Deadpool infinity (Review).. It Made Me Ship Wade Wilson x Susan Storm

Story: Our story begins in France as Deadpool disguises himself as Stilt Man to try and steal an important flash drive being auctioned off by the villain called the in-betweener. The McGuffin flash drive is important as it holds every single patent created by both Tony Stark and Reed Richards; what exactly the patents are not mentioned, so for all we know it could just be stuff like a machine that makes easy bake oven made French bread. But its patents none the less However, said auction is interrupted as the spider-man villain The Spot uses his powers to come in and try to take the McGuffin. The auctioneer's henchmen try. And failed to try and stop him, however the commotion was enough of a distraction for Invisible Woman to appear and try to get her husband's parents back. Though this being a Deadpool book Susan is distracted monologuing to the villains giving The Spot enough time to come and accidentally drop the flash drive himself. Giving every villain in the room a ch...