Deadpool infinity (Review).. It Made Me Ship Wade Wilson x Susan Storm
Our story begins in France as Deadpool disguises himself as Stilt Man to try and steal an important flash drive being auctioned off by the villain called the in-betweener. The McGuffin flash drive is important as it holds every single patent created by both Tony Stark and Reed Richards; what exactly the patents are not mentioned, so for all we know it could just be stuff like a machine that makes easy bake oven made French bread. But its patents none the less
However, said auction is interrupted as the spider-man villain The Spot uses his powers to come in and try to take the McGuffin. The auctioneer's henchmen try. And failed to try and stop him, however the commotion was enough of a distraction for Invisible Woman to appear and try to get her husband's parents back. Though this being a Deadpool book Susan is distracted monologuing to the villains giving The Spot enough time to come and accidentally drop the flash drive himself. Giving every villain in the room a chance to try and steal the flash drive.
the ensuing brawl Deadpool's disguise is taken and he's revealed to
not be Stilt Man much to the villain's dismay giving spot just enough
time to steal the flash drive. Susan, upset and angry about the
events, leaves in a huff. Though not without him offering his
services to help.
Which she turns him down. However, Wade Wilson is not a man to be not annoying and persistent hops onto her jet and continues to offer her help. Susan relents and asks why he is even bothering to help her. Which he lies to her as he tells her he's doing it to get on captain America’s good side. Which we will address when it comes up again. The conversation ends with my favorite Susan storm moment.
Issue two starts with Susan bringing wade back to New York stating that she doesn't work with him after all, and she’ll find The Spot on her own. Which Wade mocks; essentially stating that she has no way of getting into the criminal underworld and really wouldn't know where to begin... Which albeit is wrong on many levels. Does help state that she whether she likes it or not needs his help. As he takes her to “The Bar With No Name.” and we get something I think this comic does right. Is it’s comedy. Deadpool isn't in his “MemePool” state but hid comedy is solid. I'll talk about it more later in the review. As we have to talk about the musical number.
Deadpool gives us an entire reference to “Cheers”. As he sings
the theme from “Cheers” with different villains including, Black
cat, Rhyno, 8 ball, Dr. Jeckyl and many more. However, this musical
number is cut short as the bartender tells him to stop and that he is
not allowed in the bar. (rude). After revealing that he is looking
for “Spot’ and wants to know where he is. Rhyno and Doctor Jekyll
claim they don't know where he is. And try to attack him. He
threatens him with finger gun powers, implying Susan will use her
powers secretly. Which she once again reluctantly follows through
with. It's honestly really cute to see them work together even if
she's reluctant to do so.
This somehow intimidates the villains which includes shocker Black Cat and Rhyno. Giving in and telling Deadpool that his lawyer is in the bar. Wade goes to grab said lawyer when one of the villains known as boomerang holds up a sack of money with an ink and exploding dye pack in it next to an invisible Susan storm; The set up and execution happens as the pack explodes getting on Susan revealing her to the criminals. Who are somehow dumb enough to think she's a ghost. Which seems dumb to see them act like this but its forgivable due to the comedy. Susan at this point is boiling point pissed which causes every villain in the room to pee themself in fear and reveal where the lawyer is.
It skips the interrogation to Deadpool and Susan with the lawyer waiting for The Spot to come to negotiate the lawyer's life for the flash drive. The Spot being The Spot just uses his power to pull the lawyer from under him. However, this being a comedy The Spot is right next to them, Deadpool noticing this runs off to attack him. To no avail. As spot trips him, who combat rolls and opens fire at where he thinks spot is. Which gives me one of my favorite scenes where Susan takes his guns and destroys it with her power.
The Spot uses this moment to sneak attack on them, during a scuffle with Deadpool. Susan uses her power to capture The Spot in a forcefield. Though The Spot just leaves via his power. Which is a very convenient version of cat and mouse at this point. Susan at this point has become what they call mad calm and takes Wade to the Baxter Building to prepare for a second attack.
In the Baxter Building we get a cute moment of our ever lovin’ blue eyed friend Ben “The Thing' ' Grimm saying goodnight to everyone in the building while enjoying a nice midnight snack. When he notices Deadpool is in Susan's room waiting for her to finish her shower. Which now causes multiple questions we need to ask. Such as. Does Mr. and Mrs. fantastic sleep in different rooms ala Ricky and Lucy? Are they all but divorced? We need to know damn it!
During the confusion Ben asks Deadpool why he's in Susan's room. Which he tells Ben that he's waiting for Susan to finish said shower. Which causes him to get punched due to the confusion of everything. We then get a moment where Susan has to tell ben that yes they are teaming up and she's not cheating on him with our favorite merc with a mouth. However he does give him an apology sandwich.
We do learn the plan, Susan is going to use a dimensional portal analyzer that Reed made to find his trail of opened portals to find him and get the flashdrive. During the drive there we learned a few things that really cement why I liked this team-up; 1. Deadpool's head heals slower than his body so his brain damage takes longer and is implied to be semi permanent. 2. Deadpool's real reason. He's hoping to have sold the flash drive to the feds so he can get to spend time with his daughter.
Once they find his location and grab the flash drive, only to find the person who hired The Spot. Doctor Doom. During the reveal Spot has a really bad sneezing moment and leaves. Leaving doom and Susan to be alone. Susan wastes no time as she tries to take the flash drive out of Doom's hands. But fails leaving her plan B. Using Deadpool as a distraction Susan tries to emasculate doom; only for him to remove his mask. Revealing.
That it's not actually doom at all but Tony Stark.. Who monologues that he used doom’s crypto scheme to track The Spot's location, which makes sense for him to larp as doom; especially since it would look suspicious for him to be working with The Spot. However during the whole Tony being Tony Susan was taking care of the merc with a mouth. When he starts to come to tony continues the larp and flies off leaving Susan and Deadpool alone and we get the best moment in the comic, where Susan pretends that he saved the day and beat doom. And she recants a made up tale about it. From how big and strong he was in kicking spot in the dick, to how he stabbed doom in the eyes
And its like the cutest scene that i can talk an entire paragraph for it. Her pretending alone that it happened is sweet. But wade being so unaware but feeling good about helping her is really cute. Their chemistry is also really fucking adorable. The entire comic they have really well written moments together and.. I kinda ship it.
It's such a touching thing to read, to see Deadpool treated like a person with feelings by one of the premier heroes not named Spider-Man or Captain America. It's really sweet. especially with how Susan recanted the story, and how much chemistry they had. going from a pseudo enemy to lovers its honestly nice to see people act like a hero for once too.
The writing is really solid.
The characters are within character mostly except for some of the spider-man villains.
susan acting like a hero and not like an asshole
The pacing is really well done and in a proper comic format this would be a solid volume to get someone into comics
the art itself is really good
The pages are a panel per page similar to webtoon; which isn't bad in theory but these are hard to read if you aren't into that.
The panels' page format also makes the panels cut off so scenes where someone is talking gets cut off and you have to read the next page to begin the speech bubble or finish the panel.
Overall thoughts:
Overall, it's a really great comic volume, really worth the time to read if you can find it. It also made me crack ship Deadpool x Susan Storm. And I hope that marvel continues their relationship to grow. i really don't like the infinity panel a page style and the editing but it's not bad enough to ruin the story. def check it out
Deadpool, Susan Storm, The Spot, Stilt Man, The Thing and Doctor Doom are all trademarks of marvel and Disney.
Brevity and ethics:
i do not have any affiliation with Deadpool, the fantastic four or any other marvel property
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