Ninja Gaiden 2 Remaster announced

Copyright: Ninja gaiden and Ninja gaiden 2: black are property of koei tecmo and team ninja, brevity and ethics: i have no affiliation with koei tecmo, team ninja or ninja gaiden im just a fan The Ninja Gaiden resurgence shows no signs of slowing down! Hot on the heels of the Ninja Gaiden 4 reveal and the announcement of Ragebound , fans have now been treated to an exciting new trailer for a remake of Ninja Gaiden 2: Black —one of the series’ most beloved and notoriously challenging entries. Seeing this classic, action-packed hack-and-slash ninja game reborn with stunning high-resolution graphics while preserving its signature fast-paced combat, intense hyper-violence, and visceral gore is a true love letter to the PlayStation 2 era. This remake beautifully reimagines a legendary title for a new generation while staying true to its roots.