September 99: the quickest horror game you can play

copyright: SEP 1999 is property of DEMAKE 98 story: disclaimer: I finished the game and wrote the review before the recent events that happened on demake98's twitter. While i do not support abuse, i do believe people can change for the better and that demake sees professionals for help. update: we have received word that demake98 has sadly ended their own life. we hope his family can mourn in peace. second update to this review: Demake98 is alive, while he did contemplate suicide, he did not and his account was suspended due to posting that he thought about it, September 99 is just as advertised, an atmospheric horror game that perfectly encapsulates the atmosphere and mood of its name. Let's dissect the game piece by piece. It's a first-person experience, where you play an unknown character, whose identity is only revealed toward the end. Most doors are locked and blocked off, leaving the hallway littered with garbage and booze bottles. Once you enter th...