Squid game episode 1-3 (review)


The following are shorter reviews i post on the fandom zombie twitter where i give short recaps of the squid game series 

copyright: “Squid game” is a property of netflix. 

Episode 1

I’m not sure where to begin with this. I never thought I’d see a horror series with the spirit of “Battle Royale '' that didn't just copy battle royale. Especially not a battle royale  with a bumbling hobo person. But I Am 10000% for it. 

The story itself is pretty neat. A down on his luck hobo person trying and failing to earn money to buy his daughter something for her birthday. When he meets a man who offers a simple game. If he wins he gets 100,000$. Which seems tough but I think that it can be done. and id more than likely do it.

The squids seem to target people who are financially ruined either from bad life choices or ect. Tk force them into jigsaw jrs deadly playground games. First game is red light, green light but if you get caught moving you get shot. 

To be honest,  I'm not sure  how I feel about the series' playground games plus death. but i hope we get plastic explosive dodgeball or hopscotch with landmines. I'm curious to see how extreme the hyper violence will mesh with kids games. Its like jigsaw jr’s playdates

The characters and their motivation are pretty good so far, we have a main lead who as ive stated was a hobo person, a mysterious north korean woman and a thug whos out to get our mystery woman, a solid 10/10

Episode 2

This episode is a bit slower though we get to learn more about how the games operate. And it’s apparently democratic. If enough people vote to end the games they will. And the just do?? Which is weird but against the trope. 

After the most dangerous game ends  we return as if it’s normal. we’re introduced to a police officer who takes it upon himself to investigate the squids based off of insane ramblings from out hobo hero. He wont be important. For now, i hope he’ll be important later

We learn more about side characters such as the hobos' childhood friend. A female pickpocket and a man who helped him in red light green light. What kind of hell they lived in. What strife they continue to live in. 

My favorite moments are when a character is called player 1. This dying old man bumps into hobo and they talk about life and their plans and drink. Between shots. Player 1 plans on returning to the game. 

And when hobo is asking his ex wife for money to pay for his mom's diabetes surgery. They argue in time for her new husband to come home and bribe him not to see his daughter. He then strikes him down. It’s heartbreaking. To see your father get bribed to not see you. Then watch violence because of it. It hurts. It broke me. It sat there in awe at the beautiful acting. The writing. I forgot it was fake for a moment. 

Overall its a fucking 10/10 banger 

Episode 3

It starts out with the detective solid snaking into the games. It also shows us how the people are brought to the island. But that’s not as important as our boys forming a team and it's the most wholesome shit!

This doesn’t last long as our mob boss and pick-pocket get into a political fight but its interrupted by a really grimey girl. and i cant wait to see what happens to mob boss. like he really needs to get decked. even if he's based

We get more faction building when the pickpocket and another woman team up to sneak into the vents. We learn there’s a liquid being made. But not much on the liquid is given. We skip breakfast and we get more comradery. It’s very cute. But we got to get the ironic violence. 

This game is called honeycomb. Which I guess is the liquid from earlier. The rules are simple. You chose one of the shapes. A star. A circle. Ann umbrella and a triangle and given a candy tin. They have to open the tin and turn the candy onto the shape without breaking it. 

During the game my man had a Great idea. Melt the honey by licking it. And it fucking works! He and everyone start licking it, making it easy to just pull out! But the party doesn’t last long as someone bugs out and holds a failed hostage. He asks the guard to show his face. Some reason he does??? when things don’t go his way he kills himself. It’s a fucking ride. Overall solid 9/10. The pacing is a bit slow at times but it’s worth


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