City Of Heroes Revived

copyright: City Of Heroes is Property of NCSoft 
ethics and brevity: I have no afiliation with City Of Heroes, NCSoft or City Council. I'm just a fan.

Recently, fans of the beloved mid 2000s comic-based MMO RPG City of Heroes were shocked and delighted to discover the game was being revived. After its shutdown five years ago, fans have created a private server where players can continue their heroes' legacy. In a move reminiscent of how Neil Gaiman saved Miracle Man, developer NCSoft has granted a license to the server, allowing fans to continue playing the game they love. These dedicated fans are determined to keep the world of heroes and villains alive, and it looks like their efforts are not going unnoticed by those who originally created the game.

In a heartwarming move, the official server blog for City of Heroes called "Homecoming" has announced that NCSoft has granted a permit for the server. This means that over 1000+ heroes and their save files were saved, ensuring a legacy for the beloved game. The City Council is determined to keep the world of heroes alive and thriving, and it looks like their efforts are not going unnoticed by those who originally created the game and the community that keeps it alive. It's not just the game of life that's coming back, but the love of the fan community itself.


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