Mortal Kombat 1 Drops Krazy DLC Trailer

copyright: Mortal Kombat is a trademark of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Conan the Barbarian is a property of Titan Publishing. The Terminator is a property of StudioCanal. Scream is a property of Spyglass Media Group.

Brevity and Ethics:  I have no affiliation with any of the aforementioned media properties. I am simply a fan.

The world of fighting games is no stranger to wild downloadable content, especially when it comes to Mortal Kombat. In keeping with that tradition, Netherworld Studios has just released the most intense and fitting DLC in Mortal Kombat history. Which includes the fact Mortal Kombat 9 has Kratos and X has Freddy and Jason.

In the trailer, we see Havoc rallying his troops while witnessing the origin of Sektor as machines close in on him. The iconic crimson red robotic ninja gears up for battle, joined by Cyrax. The trailer then introduces a new universe's version of Noob Saibot. The excitement peaks as the DLC pack's guest characters make their entrance: Ghostface, the T-1000, and Conan the Barbarian. This trailer showcases the wide array of characters joining the Mortal Kombat roster.

We also get a glimpse of the returning Animalities for veteran fighters, along with brand-new Animalities for the latest characters.

Khaos Reigns 09/24/2024


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