Is Star Wars episode 1 as bad as I know? (review)
backstory: A bit of backstory. The last time I actually watched this movie was when it came out in the 90s so my memory has faded since then. And the memories I had with this movie was Jar Jar, pod-racing, dearth mail and it being a bad movie overall. So, while my descent into this rabbit hole isn’t fully blind. It isn’t one with the force. Review: Star Wars episode one while not being the first movie for the franchise made it the first chronologically. but it's also considered the worse of the franchise pre- Disney buy out . and there are some valid The movie starts out with Jedi master Qui Gon Jin and Jedi apprentice Obi wan starting an ambassador trade mission. They have a really deep conversation for a kid's film. They speak about anxieties and having a duty to fill. And that sometimes you have to live in the moment. However, the moment is ruined when the people they are trying to trade with try to have them killed via droid firing...