
Showing posts from November, 2021

Is Star Wars episode 1 as bad as I know? (review)

backstory: A bit of backstory. The last time I actually watched this movie was when it came out in the 90s so my memory has faded since then. And the memories I had with this movie was Jar Jar, pod-racing, dearth mail and it being a bad movie overall. So,   while  my descent into this rabbit hole isn’t fully blind. It isn’t one with the force.  Review: Star Wars episode one while not being the first movie for the franchise made it the first chronologically. but it's  also considered the worse of the franchise pre- Disney buy out . and there are some valid The movie starts out with Jedi master Qui Gon Jin and Jedi apprentice Obi wan starting an ambassador trade mission. They have a really deep conversation for a kid's  film. They speak about anxieties and having a duty to fill. And that sometimes you have to live in the moment.  However,  the moment is ruined when the people they are trying to trade with try to have them killed via droid firing...

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City was awful. (review)

Disclaimer: I am a huge resident evil fan and have, lets played several of their games (Which you can watch on horrorble survivor). This comes out of a love of the series and not out of malice.  Resident evil is property of Capcom Ltd and Sony. Spoilers ahead Plot: Plot is a confused mess trying to speedrun resident evil 1 and duck taping resident evil 2s characters in it. Its story is a mess. Claire returns to Raccoon City to show Chris her conspiracy that umbrella is evil. They bicker and argue and Chris gets ready for work. Before anything happens the city has a lockdown. Chris goes to work. s.t.a.r.s. Has a meeting and Leon is there. They kick him to the front desk and the trucker crashes into R.P.D gates and is on fire. Before he can kill him, Irons shows up and does that.  Throughout the movie we get quick scenes of resident evil 1 stuff but it’s really blandly. Though we are shown that at 6 am the city will explode. Claire and Chris were orphans. While in the orphanage ...

Marvel's Wolverine Predictions

  Introductions: September 9th 2021 Insomniac games during the playstation showcase Insomniac announced their newest game in their Marvel games universe, Wolverine. While the trailer does not show much other than Logan's harry arms and a claw. So there's not much work to dissect but we can still theorycraft and make predictions.  Slight spoilers in past wolverine stories past and present Japan One of wolverine’s biggest defining moments in Wolverine’s history is his time in Japan.  From his time marrying a yakuza heiress to fighting the Hand clan ninjas and Silver Samurai. Wolverine’s time in Japan has a lot of moments that give enough story to be its own entire game. But even if you don't want that to be its story, Wolverine can return to Mariko in Japan .   Mechanically speaking, Insomniac’s spider-man has some of the most intense stealth mechanics which can be implanted in fights against or stealth around Ninjas.  Taking down Weapon-X While it does happe...

Disney reveals X-men 97 + predictions

Introduction: Despite having killed off the X-Men with a failed attempt at replacing them with the Inhumans, Marvel and Disney also have been circle jerking x-men and x-men fans forever with continuations and spin offs of the X-men animated series.. Mainly because people like me will consume the media by any means. Which is why i'm slightly hesitant on writing this and being excited for this… that being said i am excited to see my favorite comic team getting another cartoon Thoughts : Today on November 12 2021 Disney decided they were no longer going to  be cowards and announced a new X-Men Series, Though I am skeptical due to the shenanigans that is what Disney does and how the house of mouse works. Seeing Disney revive the long since dormant series as an animated series again is really nice to see. And i am curious to see if it will be in the vain of the 90s animated series or if it will do its own thing  judging by the title it's going to continue where x-men the animated s...