Disney reveals X-men 97 + predictions


Despite having killed off the X-Men with a failed attempt at replacing them with the Inhumans, Marvel and Disney also have been circle jerking x-men and x-men fans forever with continuations and spin offs of the X-men animated series.. Mainly because people like me will consume the media by any means. Which is why i'm slightly hesitant on writing this and being excited for this… that being said i am excited to see my favorite comic team getting another cartoon


Today on November 12 2021 Disney decided they were no longer going to  be cowards and announced a new X-Men Series, Though I am skeptical due to the shenanigans that is what Disney does and how the house of mouse works. Seeing Disney revive the long since dormant series as an animated series again is really nice to see. And i am curious to see if it will be in the vain of the 90s animated series or if it will do its own thing

 judging by the title it's going to continue where x-men the animated series left off. "X-Men 97".  Which is pretty fucking tight all things considered. There is a lot to cover when it comes to the original animated series, as well as the  story itself. Several amazing storylines to cover, from old stuff as well as mid 90s x-men cheese that never got to be adapted ever.  I am hesitant but happy to see my mutant freedom fighters return once more.


Season 5’s last episode of X-men the animated series ended really abruptly with Xavier flying off into the distance as Magneto and the X-men watch him just kinda leave due to the fact he is dying and ends up going with the leader of the Shi'ar empire. 

Its obvious in my opinion what will happen is that it will continue with the x-men trying to adapt to the loss of xavier and having magneto be the heir of the head of xavier's school for gifted youngsters. What I'm thinking will be adapted will be the “X-Men Adventures” 1996-1997 comic book  but Xavier will be replaced with magneto. And sprinkle some xavier being saved by the shi’ar empire tech

What i want to see get adapted:

Per my last paragraph there are several really cool storylines and short one offs i would love to see adapted 

Apocalypse vs Dracula:

While not entirely focused on the x-men, their long since off and on again enemy apocalypse has fought dracula in a short 4 issue series. The series itself is very gory and would need to be toned down, it would be fun to see that side of the x-men world be adapted. Though I'm just an edgelord who wants that. Seeing apocalypse and Vlad the impaler duke it out would be fucking sick


Now we are getting old school with this but, I think the late 80s x-men run of inferno is ripe for adaptation for the series, the plot itself is really cool and shows off what the x-men and the new mutants themself can do on the small screen. Things such as heroics in the face of demonic threats and would more than likely need to be its own season.  This could even be a good way to backdoor pilot things like an avengers cartoon, tie ins with their new spider-man animated series as well as the fantastic four, 

The story itself is a hardcore horror movie on crack that deals with things such as demons who posses humans to try to take over the world, and the heroes have t stop it. Typical cape and cowl fun times. 

Nightman vs wolverine

This is just for shits and giggles but i really want them to adapt the one shot comic of wolverine and nightman fighting. Mainly for them to have to admit they own malibu comics and nightman. And disney  having to begrudgingly put nightman on disney plus. The comic itself is a fun ride too with nicely drawn action scenes and a dumb but fun plot 

Demon days

While demon days was a short company wide one shot, i think that the one shot would be a cool thing to see disney and the x-men animated series attempt. The one shot itself has really beautiful  art work, and a fun story that involves an oni hulk, a wandering samurai psylocke who fights demonic versions of VENOM, and a wolf pup wolverine. This one shot would be a beautiful thing to see the series attempt to cover,

Avengers vs x-men

While this story is a lot of people's least favorite storyline (me included) i feel like an animated series re-write would be a really good season for the x-men series that would show just how persecution of the x-men really works outside the occasional anti mutant person or a sentinel being built.. Seeing the x-men and earths mightiest heroes have to duke it out in order for the avengers to realize that they haven't done much to help the x-men and thus do better is a way to really show how the world really works.


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