Marvel's Wolverine Predictions



September 9th 2021 Insomniac games during the playstation showcase Insomniac announced their newest game in their Marvel games universe, Wolverine. While the trailer does not show much other than Logan's harry arms and a claw. So there's not much work to dissect but we can still theorycraft and make predictions.  Slight spoilers in past wolverine stories past and present


One of wolverine’s biggest defining moments in Wolverine’s history is his time in Japan. 

From his time marrying a yakuza heiress to fighting the Hand clan ninjas and Silver Samurai. Wolverine’s time in Japan has a lot of moments that give enough story to be its own entire game. But even if you don't want that to be its story, Wolverine can return to Mariko in Japan . 

 Mechanically speaking, Insomniac’s spider-man has some of the most intense stealth mechanics which can be implanted in fights against or stealth around Ninjas. 

Taking down Weapon-X

While it does happen in the comics, Wolverine’s connection to weapon-x program is as part of him as his metal bones. Even if it has to be Logan getting information on where weapon x is and having to take down every single weapon x member from Sabertooth to Lady DeathStrike. The story can easily take place as a globe trotting wolverine  having to take down the shadow of his former self and destroy the most savage part of who he is. 

The hulk and Wendigo

Wolverine’s debut story was in an all out brawl against marvel’s unjolly green giant. Even if it's just a tutorial on how wolverine’s hunter senses such as smell and listening for sounds. Imagine exploring the Canadian wilderness as Wolverine is hunting for Wendigo and having to fight against the hulk.  It would give players a hands-on experience in the beginnings and origins of Wolverine. And since the story also has Alpha flight villain Wendigo. 


This is an easy one but we more than likely will have cameos from other x-men and marvel heroes. The ones we are hoping for are Storm and Deadpool. But more than likely we’ll see mystique and Jean. (Damn redhead fetishist)


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