Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City was awful. (review)


I am a huge resident evil fan and have, lets played several of their games (Which you can watch on horrorble survivor). This comes out of a love of the series and not out of malice. 

Resident evil is property of Capcom Ltd and Sony. Spoilers ahead


Plot is a confused mess trying to speedrun resident evil 1 and duck taping resident evil 2s characters in it. Its story is a mess. Claire returns to Raccoon City to show Chris her conspiracy that umbrella is evil. They bicker and argue and Chris gets ready for work. Before anything happens the city has a lockdown. Chris goes to work. s.t.a.r.s. Has a meeting and Leon is there. They kick him to the front desk and the trucker crashes into R.P.D gates and is on fire. Before he can kill him, Irons shows up and does that. 

Throughout the movie we get quick scenes of resident evil 1 stuff but it’s really blandly. Though we are shown that at 6 am the city will explode. Claire and Chris were orphans. While in the orphanage we learn that Lisa Trevor was there and Claire wanted to be friends. But it is pulled away. Claire and Chris separate. Clear returns to raccoon city and Chris and Claire argue. Claire learns that Chris was adopted by Birkin and is an umbrella shill. She is attacked by a zombie screaming itchy tasty because reasons. But Claire survives and rides back into town and makes it to R.P.D.

 Chief irons tries to leave and gets attacked by a Cerberus. Leon comes and is incompetent and has to be saved by Clair. They head to the R.P.D. armory and stumble upon a secret chamber where an internet friend of Clair is there but said internet friend is an asshole but is attacked  by a zombie. Which Leon can’t fucking kill them and needs Claire to save them. 

After the armory detour they head to the orphanage and Claire has some slight ptsd about what happened when she was a kid. Including Birkin leading her to be experimented on but runs away. During Clair’s moment Leon bumps into Lisa Trevor who tells him to be quiet because of the locker. He confusingly shouts and calls Clair and irons over. Leon and Irons are attacked by the licker and are saved by Lisa. Because of friendship. Lisa guides Claire and Leon to an elevator. They they on and watch a video of the code Veronica twins being weird and incestuous. Then they go to the nest. 

We cut back to Jill and Wesker who are in the piano room. Wesker plays the piano and opens a secret room and reveals to

Jill that he's secretary also at the mansion because he needs to get the g virus. So he’s actually just hunk as well. 

Wesker and Birkin have a standoff and Wesker shoots him. But he injects himself secretly. Wesker also shoots Birkins wife and points his gun at sherry. But Jill shoots him. And they escape but Birkin gets back up and mutates. 

Mutated Birkin and Chris have a showdown. But Chris is saved by Claire. And meets up with Leon. They head to the train as they leave the city. Before they could, we got to fight Birkin one more time. And for once Leon can do something and shoots Birkin with a rocket. The city explodes. The end. 

Well almost. We got an mcu moment as we get a post credit of Ada redirecting Wesker and providing him his glasses. The end


The actors are really good actors and they did a good job at acting. The music score is a little dumb but i liked it.


All of it. It’s pacing is too fast and tries to cram everything in it. They got to set up Veronica. Got to show off the stuff from the games. It’s just a mess. Its focusing on cute references and going “hey guys.. Look at the thing” an example is when Jill and Wesker are flirting she takes his sandwich and goes “Jill’s sandwich”. And name drops monsters. That it forgets characters need to have.. Character to them and not just 

It focuses more on Claire throughout everything. While not as bad as Alice it over it paints her and jill as the bad ass and the men as incompetent even though we learn that Chris taught her how to shoot etc so why would he be this awful with scenes. 

The characters themselves had no character or enough focus to expand. Claire ptsd is shown but we get nothing on Chris. Leon is an incompetent rookie who’s only a cop because daddy was one apparently. Wesker is too busy being no one for his so-called betrayal to matter. 

I just hated it. I hated that Sony and Capcom saw this script and went “yeah that's good” 

this movie sucks man. its focus on fanservice was too far there while the characters had 0 character. we owe silent hill 1 an apology


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