Sega allegedly looking into a new Virtua Fighter game
according to Japanese news publication dengekionline , due to the success of Virtua Fighter 5 current gen ports. In said interview, the developers stated that within the 6 months of Virtua Fighter 4 final showdown release it has exceeded Sega’s Expectations, which was why Sega allowed for the game to get new dlc in form of “ Yakuza” costumes for some of the cast . In the interview the developer stated they are considering a steam port of Virtua fighter 5. That it would be difficult to remake the game, but it is possible in the future. Later on in the interview he was asked if there is going to be a future title. He stated Sega’s roadmap is full for the fiscal year, and a new game is being considered. Some smaller bits of information that was mentioned in the interview that wasnt related to Virtua fighter but it is neat to think about. Including such information was the development of the free-to-play mecha game “Border Break” and how it's an entirely different game t...