top 10 games i played in 2021

prerequisite: not all of the games on here are beaten to completion nor were they played just for content. however, if any content was made with them i will shill it at the end

brevity/ethics: i am just a fan of these games and have no affiliation with any of these games or their owners. 

10. mario party superstars (Switch)

Its a blast from the past on the Nintendo switch. Mario Party Superstars is the Premier Mario Party game as it brings back 5 old maps and one hundred old mini games return as you return to hate each other for a fun game. 

9. Mortal Kombat xl

We bashed our buttons as we tested our might as we stopped outworld from taking over in Mortal Kombat xl. It's a fun kung fu fighting, fighting game experience as we get to learn and watch the kombat kids Decapitate and destroy their enemies as they save the day while killing the evil Shinoc and learn their true powers once and for all. We also have a full let's play on YouTube for it which you can watch here 

8. Spider-man (ps4)

Spider-man ps4 has everything you need for a great spider-man game, from amazing web swinging, fluid and energetic combat. Its set in its own universe so no need to have the baggage from the M.C.U or prior spider-man games like web of shadows or spider-man on the PlayStation 1. the story itself feels like one that could have been its own comic

7. Metal wolf chaos xd 

Metal wolf chaos XD is the ps4/pc port of the most American video game of all time. Playing as the president as you fight your way against a coup in your giant patriotic mech. It has great action, and the dumbest story you need to play 

6. power rangers battle for the grid

We've already made a review for battle for the grid, as well as an ongoing let's play, so I won't speak too much about. Power rangers battle for the grid is the best power rangers' game. Fluid combat, mechanics and a fun and deep story. 

5. overcooked: all you can eat edition 

Overcooked all you can eat edition is the port of overcooked 1 and overcooked 2. while the port is a little buggy, it's still a fun and mostly faithful port. Overcooked is a hectic cooking game that pits you and your friends into the role of chiefs as you work together to satisfy your customers and save the kingdom from the flying spaghetti monster. 

4. x-men legends 2

X-men legends 2 is the second diablo clone made by raven soft using the x-men ip. The story itself s a great one about the return of the mutant terrorist and Darwinist eugenics mastermind apocalypse as the x-men and brotherhood of evil mutants must unit to stop him. Its combat is similar to dungeon crawlers like diablo as your team of four must go through several dungeons as you solve puzzles and explore places in the x-men world as you find ways to stop apocalypse and his four horsemen 

i have an ongoing lets play you can watch as well 

3. resident evil 8: Village:


Resident evil 8/resident evil Village is the 11th game in the resident evil franchise. The games story is pretty dumb and fun having something similar to resident evil 4 by dropping you in a random European village as Ethan has to save his wife and daughter from the forces that be. The combat is very improved version of resident evil 7s. Overall ts a great time. Also, Lady D's milkers are worth every cent 

2. dead by daylight 

Dead by daylight. Dead by daylight is a four person chaotic good time as you and three other people have to survive from a killer. Its like living in a horror movie. Both the killers and survivors have different and unique mechanics and options to survive or kill. Different mascots from different horror franchisees are there from ghost face to Freddy. Its a bloody good time for all horror fans

1. No More Heroes 3

No More Heroes 3 is the fantastic hack and slash games from suda 51 and grasshopper studios. Its action is fast paced and beautifully balanced, the character development is organic and fluid with zero of it feeling forced. Watching a blood bathed Travis become the world and universes hero as he stops assassins and their hordes of enemies to save us is a sight to behold.


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