Book of Boba episode 1 review

Ethics and brevity:

i do not have any affiliation with Disney or Star wars. I am just a fan


star wars is property of disney and lucas films.

Where to buy:

You can watch book of Boba on Disney+

Our episode starts off with Boba Fett in a nightmare of the events in his past. The loss of his father in“Attack of the clones' ' and almost dying in the sarlacc pits in “Return of the Jedi' '. We learn how he barely survived and escaped the pits. It lingers on a moment of Fett lying there motionless. It’s a really great shot, the way he's slowly losing consciousness. It really gives us the feel of a scene that was deleted in “Return of the Jedi''

It cuts to a scene of Jawas stealing his armor and weapons, a small call back to the episode he is in in the Mandalorian. All seems lost until a bad of sand people find him and take him in as a slave. This scene is long and grueling as it should be. Watching him being tied up and dragged by Banthas as he slowly loses his ability to stay awake in the sand dunes.

After a quick scene of him being beaten by sand people to the point of passing out. Fett awakens to notice his surroundings. To his left a fellow bounty Hunter. Forward a guard beast. Fett makes enough noise for the beast to attack. Fett, being a tactful man, takes the beasts down using its horns to cut free. He offers his fellow captive freedom. Who in response screams loudly, causing enough noise to alert the sand tribe.

Boba being a stubborn man tries to escape without taking anyone else out, this some reason causes the tribe elder decides to only have one of the tribe attack him causing a really spectacular duel, sadly however Fett loses the duel. Before we see more of what happens Fett is awoken by his most powerful Ally, fennec Shand. The woman he is with is the Mandalorian.

It cuts to Fett sitting on the throne as people provide Fett offerings as the king of the underworld. One by one people offer him any form of tribute. From money, to fur and a heart filled gratitude. The mayor has sent a messenger to send said gratitude but demands that they provide the mayor tribute instead.

We get a scene with the two pig guards Jaba the Hutt has. Boba is forced to make a choice. To torture them into submission or look weak. Boba showing the weaker approach offers them the chance to work for him. Which they do. It shows that Fett is a man of redemption in a world that didnt let him have one. Its neat to see him develop past the points we see him in the movie series.

We get to see how the underworld works in this world as Boba is informed those with power do not walk the streets. Which he refuses as he enters a cantina to do business to introduce himself to the owner. Who offers Fett compensation for being the new king of crime. Something of a side tangent, but i want to note is that a lot of the effects in this as well as the Disney + Star Wars shows seem to be or are practical effects. So, it threw me off seeing what looks like the old costume of the D.J

On the way to the next location Fett and Shang are ambushed. We get a sick fight scene to show off Fett and shand close quarters combat skills. The fight is back and forth as Fett is saved by the pig men guards. But the assailants escape the battlefield.

Two of the assailants escape via the rooftops. But are chased down by Shand. The chase is short as Shand sneaks up on them and gets the upper hand. Shand easily wipes the floor with the two as Fett is carried back into the stasis tube for more flashbacks.

We are shown more of what happened as Fett is enslaved by the sand people. As they lead him and the other slave into the sand dunes to a secluded moisture farm being attacked. After the attackers leave the sand people demand that Fett dig for water pods.

It’s as depressing as it should be. Seeing Fett a rebound bounty Hunter fall to slavery by the sand people. During the slavery Fett asks why the other slave sounded the alarm. This enraged the slave but luck does exist in the world as the other slave awakens a sleeping monster.

Said monster kills the other slave and tries to kill Fett. But Fett tricks the monster into throwing him to the wayside so Fett can take the monster down, strangling it in the process, this kill gives the sand people to respect Fett. Allowing Fett his freedom.

Overall thoughts:

It's an amazing start for the series, it tells the tale of Boba going from dying in a Sarlacc pit to becoming the king of the underworld. And i am hoping to see where this series goes from here.


The choreography is amazing,

The scenes are intense.

The costumes look amazing


Nothing i can think of


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