crypto-ponzi schemes are digging up Stan Lee's corpse just to shit on it

On December the 14th 2021 Stan Lee’s twitter account announced they were selling an NFT of his first Native American superhero Chakara The Invincible. And this is the most disrespectful and ghoulish thing I've seen in a really long time. To take a man’s legacy and to turn it into this crypto scam is embarrassing. It's not just the fact that they are using the account of a dead man to advertise a crypto scam to them is disgusting. On the environmental level it is disgusting to see stan lee's name attached onto something that would destroy the environment.

On the moral level, to use someone who is dead and cannot say no to this, and to advertise a ponzi scheme for the sake of corporate greed. It's irresponsible for the people who are running this to use Stan Lee to sell this fan of Lee's creations, but what he stood for. 

The fact that they are using the twitter of a dead man to advertise a scam to people is what really makes me angry. Not only is it a predatory practice to use a dead mans’ name and image to promote this scam. I don't have a problem with merchandising him but to advertise a literal ponzi scheme is just defiling him and his legacy. i hope whoever is running the account or estate is fired for this blunder big time

This idea is one of the most brain-dead tone-deaf moments that it brought everyone to twitter together from big brand accounts such as the webster;s dictionary to small comc accounts to tell them this idea was awful. Not only for the sake of the environment and for the sake of ruining Stan Lee’s legacy in a single tweet


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