Konami once again fails to read the room

 brevity and ethics: 

I do not have any affiliation or association with Konami or Castlevania 


In an announcement that surprises no one Konami has announced “Castlevania” NFTs. for those who are not in the know, an NFT is a blockchain similar to bitcoin but usually with stolen art. Konami's Castlevania NFTs are different art, gifs, and music from the Castlevania 1, 3 and circle of the moon they have for auction. So, it will be owned by the individual without having to make more than 1 asset. even though the gif and music are duplicatable. 

Konami continues to be the sinking ship as they care more about making a quick dollar than they do about their games. While no one is surprised Konami would do this, people are disappointed as no one in the gaming fandom wants NFTs and adamantly hates NFTs for many reasons. On one end they destroy the environment due to how much greenhouse gasses they emit to process and mining you need to mine to make money. On the other hand, they are annoying and seen as a get rich quick scheme, some even compare it to a money laundering scheme. 

Konami getting into NFTs is proof positive that we need to end NFTs now while it's still fletching, for the sake of the environment and the gaming community we need to get them far away as possible. No one wants NFTs in gaming, no one sees them as cool. And Konami needs to read the room when it comes to fans and end this auction now while they have a chance to.

This is a terrible curse to celebrate Castlevania's 35th anniversary 


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