marvel's judgment day event predictions


Recently Marvel announced a new event called “Judgment Day”, with the X-Men logo behind it. Said announcement also mentioned the likes of the avengers and the eternals. While we don't know what exactly is going to happen we can still do some armchair pondering. 

Rebooting the X-men

The modern day X-men haven't been people's favorite. While it does have some fans, people so far haven't been too kind to it, stating “this isn’t great” and “heroes don't have ethno states” . it is possible that Marvel is going to see this as an excuse to reboot the X-men again. While it probably won't happen it's my prediction

X-men focused

While we are talking about the x-men, the logo being the first thing they show on the advertising makes me speculate that it’ll be more x-men focused than all three teams being focused. We’ll probably see spider-man, captain america and ironman from the avengers but we’ll see more x-men. 

The eternals will be dressed in their movie costumes

This one is more of a crack theory, while the costumes are not entirely different from their comic design. Their designs will go from their Jack Kirby and be closer to their movie. 


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