Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 1: episode 1-3 (Review)

 Copyright: Star Wars, and Star Wars: The Clone wars are property of Disney, and Lucas Arts.

Brevity and ethics:  I do not have any association with Star Wars, Disney or Lucasfilms.

I also am watching this via dvds, and am only talking about story content. And removed any filler episodes. If an episode you liked was not talked about that is why.

I will be doing it similarly to my squid games reviews where I will be reviewing four episodes a review. 

Episode 1

Our series starts off exactly sometime after “Attack of the clones” ended. Though the exact time is unclear sadly. However, the animation is really good for a 3d animation series. 

However, the series starts off running as we learn that on a distant planet, Yoda must negotiate with the king of Toydaria to form a peace treaty. For unknown reasons Yoda is late to the meeting. This is where we learn that Dooku has a Padawan of his own. Who relays a message that the Jedi are weak and the Sith can protect them


It cuts to space where Yoda and his ship are attacked by droid Starfighters. But Yoda is Determined to get to the meeting. As he descends to the planet's surface to continue the meeting as is. Sadly, Yoda crashes on the planet making him late. Dooku's Padawan uses Yoda's tardiness to sweeten the deal so the king will join the federation. 

The deal is simple if Yoda can survive an onslaught of droids and make it to the meeting to join the republic. If he fails, join the federation. And so, the journey begins, as Yoda and his clone troopers take forth.

The journey starts off easy as the droids despite being built for war can’t seem to figure things out like if a tank can fit through a crossing way or not. Yoda uses the confusion to ambush the droids. The tides of war continue to change as the super battle droids force the clones to flee. 

During the chase the clones are out flanked and starting to topple, it seems lost when Yoda comes to the rescue as he lifts a droid and uses it to destroy the super battle droids. But the battles aren’t won yet as a platoon of droidekas roll in. 

The Sith try to rub this information in the king's nose to no avail. The heroes make it to a small plateau filled with holes giving them enough room to plan their next move. There’s a nice moment where Yoda asks to see the clones face, the clones seem confused when Yoda tells them to believe in themselves and their Skills.

The moment is short, but it gives a point to show how Yoda is a good general. However, it’s interrupted as the droid platoon rolls in. Yoda may be a gentle soul but he’s a warrior and takes them on single handedly. This causes the Sith to force out the big guns as a platoon of droidekas roll into ambush Yoda. 

Yoda's words of wisdom flow through as the clones shoot a rocket to destroy the platoon with ease. The king is amused with the Siths cheating and decides to join Yodas team. This angers Dooku who commands for the king to be killed. The Padawan goes for the strike, But Yoda makes it to the meeting ground on time and saves the king

overall thoughts:

Episode 1 starts off the series running and gives us a lot of depth on what will happen and what Lucas needed to fix a lot of issues regarding how the clones were treated. Yoda being shown as a capable warrior boosts his credibility for when he's Luke's master in episode 5 as well as other the young padawan's master in Attack of the Clones 


the voice acting is incredible, 

the animation is really stellar and not as stilted as a lot of 3d animation shows are. 

The story itself is a good start in the overall world of Star Wars


the fact it needs to exist to fix how bad attack of the clones actually was

Episode 2:

Episode 2 starts off in space as a jedi master Plo Koon sends a reinforcement due to them hunting down a droid super weapon and are being tracked by said droid army. They call out to a certain hero and apprentice. Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka. Anakin, while usually looking for a fight, is forced to ask the Jedi council first. Due to the severity of the super weapon. 

It cuts to Count Dooku and General Grievous as they fire said super weapon. The super weapon itself is a star ship with a similar canon as the Death Star. 

Unlike the Death Star the Star canon shoots out an energy field that disrupts star ships leaving them open for an attack. Which is what Grievous does. Sending volley after volley destroying the republic fleet. A small fleet of clone troopers and master Plo Koon make it alive via escape pod. 

Due to the nature of the super weapon all hopes seem lost as the council rightfully assumes the worst. Not sending out any more scout ships to see if Plo Koon and crew are alive. Ahsoka tries to convince them otherwise, but Anakin sadly shoots her down instead opting for a wider defense. And redeploy himself to save Plo Koon, due to Obi-Wan's dismay. 

As Anakin and Ahsoka head out Anakin has r2 scan for life forms confusing Ahsoka. Learning that it’s ok to break the rules as long as you word it right. While this will affect some of the story later. It gives us a good insight into Anakin and Ahsoka. And how their relationship works and how Ahoska will be written later on. 

Back in the escape pod the troopers finally get the power back and running as we hear how the droids are killing any survivors. It’s quick and dirty as they are opening the pod doors and sending them into space. 

It cuts to Anakin lamenting to Ahsoka that she might not want to see the results of this trip. And that Plo Koon might be dead. Ashoka laments that she understands but this is something she needs to do. It’s bittersweet but it needs developing. Though it’s cut short as Obi-Wan's hologram cuts in lambasting Anakin for leaving. 

After Obi-Wan scolds our heroes, r2 detects the heroes however they are in a jam as the droid army finds the ship too. Master Plo Koon taking a tip from Yoda leaves the pod and takes on the droids in the vacuum of space. The droids begin to crush the pod door with their ship's robotic arm as Ashoka’s voice comes on the communications during the fight. Hearing her voice gives Plo Koon and his team the boost they need as our heroes to continue to fight as Plo Koon force throws a trooper behind the enemy shooting them down giving Plo Koon the freedom to destroy the ships arm

It cuts to chancellor Palpatine and the Jedi council as Obi-Wan reveals Anakin disobeyed orders and is looking for survivors. Everyone seems to disapprove of his actions and Palpatine demands that Anakin return to his fleet. But the force works in mysterious ways as it tells Ahsoka that Plo Koon is alive. Ahsoka takes command of the ship and flies it to plos location and saves the day. Sadly, there are no other survivors. 

We do learn that the super weapon is an ion cannon and it’s locked onto Anakin's ship nearby. In a hurry our heroes turn off the power but forget to turn off the medical droid. Which accidentally sends the super weapon a ping giving them a perfect target. 

After hastily turning on r2 our heroes quickly and messily escape returning to Anakin's fleet returning Plo Koon and his clone army safely to the council. Much to Dooku's dismay causing him and Grievous to schism.

In the aftermath everyone was thankfully safe from the ion cannon and the republic is able to learn its existence and can develop tools and methods to destroy it. Ahsoka can learn how to properly bend the rules, Anakin and Ahsoka can grow. And we can see how some of the Jedi treat the Clone army. We also get to see how pieces will fit into place for the future on all sides. 

Overall thoughts:

Overall, it's a solid episode. While it retcons some of Revenge of the Sith. it does give Anakin some needed development. It really does turn the nob the war part in Star Wars up a notch and helps expands the mythology. The world building seems to be going a lot stronger. Introducing a Padawan for Anakin is a nice touch. Giving what we already know with Star Wars retcons it seems like a way for Anakin to imprint his good into her and for the inevitable


Plo Koon’s treatment of the clones

Ahsoka and Anakin's relationship development as master and padawan

The lightning and atmosphere were really cool.


The ion cannon itself was built up as a big destroyer but in reality, it just overloads systems causing you to be weak while is cool it doesn't seem as effective if you are running from it

Episode 3:

Overall thoughts:




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