Capcom Showcase June 13th 2022 Write Up

On June 13th 2022 Capcom had its Capcom Showcase, and announced a lot of interesting things to us.


Monster hunter rise: Sunbreak

Monster hunter rise: Sunbreak is the expansion of the recent monster hunter rise released in 2021. While we didn't see much when it comes to the story they did show us some really cool monsters. Such as the returning GORE MAGALA!!! from monster hunter 4.

Resident evil 4 Remake

While Capcom already announced the remake of the fan favorite resident evil game. They did show us a little more, and honestly it looks good even if I'm unsure if I'm ready for a more gritty and serious Resident evil 4.

Street fighter 6:

we didn't get much info like I expected, we did get a street fighter 2 re-release

capcom arcade 2:

WE GETTIN SATURDAY SLAM MASTERS BABY LETS GOOOOO. Also some really other cool 2d classic arcade games. BUT ALSO STREET FIGHTER 2

Street fighter 6:

we didn't get much info like I expected, we did get a street fighter 2 re-release.



it looks good, though im still miffed about it not being dino crisis.. ALSO LIKE ITS JUST EARTH DEFENSE FORCE WHICH SHOULD BE GOOD FOR ME. BUT LIKE IM NOT VIBING WITH IT.


Resident evil 8: village dlc

Resident evil 8’s dlc was announced right after the release of resident evil 8: village. And I am super mixed on it. On one end we get to see an expansion of the ending of Village. That being said, I don't know if I like the idea of the duke being a bad guy. Though we don't know if its the real duke, or if the duke himself is a bad guy.

Getting a 3rd person view version of the game is a weird idea especially since they're still going to keep Ethan in the shadows.

Overall thoughts:

over all its not bad; I honestly liked most of what I saw. And im glad to see Capcom giving us great things


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