Capcom showcase predictions

On June 13th 2022, Capcom is going to be showing off some of their up-and-coming games and possibly new games. 

1. Monster Hunter rise

We’ve already seen that monster hunter will be at the showcase via the trailer, so having monster hunter be there is obvious. 

2. Resident evil 4 remake gameplay

Capcom just announced that it exists, and it is more than likely that they do have gameplay already recorded, it's more than possible that they will show us resident evil 4 remake’s gameplay. Though it's more than possible its just similar to the original Resident evil 4.

3. Resident evil village dlc

Capcom cock teased us with an announcement of a dlc for resident evil village; then nothing came of it. No announcements, no acknowledgments of it. While I'm not sure where the story will go. But i am curious to see if Capcom will even mention it ever especially in this showcase 

4. Wesker dead by daylight reveal

A recent dead by daylight leak announced a new resident evil character is coming to the multiplayer horror game. One of said leaks mentions it being a mutator of sorts. Including the name Wesker. While it's also likely true that it could be alex Wesker, there's only one Wesker that matters in the end and it's our lord and savior Albert Wesker. 

5. Street Fighter 6 overworld gameplay

The recent Street Fighter announcement has revitalized both the fgc’s love of Capcom and Street Fighter as a whole. Showing us some new concepts for the universe as well as the story will be semi open world, or at least similar to games like Mortal Kombat Armageddon. But the world wasnt shown off much. I hope that they do show us something in this 

7. Megaman 

These next two are pipe dreams, but that's why predictions exist right? Anyways i am hoping that Capcom announces something involving Megaman, even if its an x-dive character

8. Mvc 4

I just wnat marvel vs Capcom 4 damn it

9. Capcom arcade 2 trailer

Recently a new leak announced that Capcom arcade 2 was going to happen including saturday morning slam masters. Again its a leak so possibly untrue if it is true then that is a. Sick as hell and b. I hope it is and c. it’ll be cool if they announce it at this event 


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