Top 10 survival horror games

Survival horror is a gaming genre that ranks among my favorites. Its balance of fear, adventure, and an atmosphere of tension combine into an unforgettable experience. While selecting my top ten was a daunting task due to the multitude of stellar titles, I have assembled a list of horror-filled adventures that stand out for their quality, atmosphere, and suspenseful gameplay. Choosing a top 10 was a hard one for me, but here in no particular order are the top 10 survival horror games 

Zombies retreat: 

zombies retreat is a fun little nsfw survival horror game that takes aspects from different games and adds their own twists, I.e: savaging and crafting. Limited amount of ammunition and health in small spaces, a dating sim mechanic that lets you explore, date and fuck several well written women, all of which are unique in each way. From the mayor of the city, your own “MAID” and even women of color. All in a top-down perspective. The story itself is pretty fun and cheeky as you play as protagonist as the summer camp, you’re staying at is overran by zombies. It changed up a lot in the Resident Evil clone department. And mixes resident evil’s pseudo-science and the occult as you do your best to save your small little camp sight. It’s def worth a play through. 

Eternal darkness:

eternal darkness is a hidden gem of a survival horror game. Taking cues from silent hill and alone in the dark, you play as (main character) whose father has been killed, as you investigate his death you find the FUCKING NECRONOMICON. And inside it your family's history. It takes a different approach to survival horror making every chapter a different character that has come in contact with the book on their own separate quest. From ancient Persia to LITERALLY FIGHTING CTHULHU. 

Dead space: 

space. The final frontier is a hostile cold environment for (protagonist) as he and his Crew are attacked by Necromorphs. Throughout the game we’re given lore explosion in the form of audio conversation between the surviving crew members and video tapes from the prior crew. The games atmosphere like a space gothic horror, mixed alien and event horizon had collaborated on the most elaborate game in history. Taking mechanics from resident evil 4, and expanding on what they thought worked and adding different concepts like a stomp and cutting off zombie limbs. It’s over all sn intense thrilling survival horror game that you don’t want to overlook. 

Silent hill: 

silent hill is one of the greatest survival horror games in history and the PlayStation library. Replacing action and bio zombies; with silent psychology horror. You play as Harry mason on a vacation trip with your daughter Cheryl on your way to silent hill you wake up in silent hill, your daughter missing. It’s your fatherly duty to venture hell and back as you save your daughter. The game is packed with surreal imagery, gore, and nightmares that’ll terrify you. Mixed with an interesting story and a diverse cast of characters silent hill is a survival horror game you won’t want to miss. 

Doom 3: 

probably more controversial on this list, doom 3 takes what made doom work and flips it on its head as it goes for a survival horror style space horror. You play as doom guy, a space marine on a mission to mars. On said mission you are attacked by cyber demons and it takes you to stop the upcoming hell invasion. 

Resident evil remake: 

before the era of every game being remade. There was the original, the resident evil remake takes the original and builds onto it. Bringing in new and interesting mechanics such as secondary defensive items to evade anything that comes your way. Revamping the graphics, giving the Spenser mansion a better more gothic look, they built onto the story with new plot add-ons. So not only does jill and Chris have to worry about surviving zombie filled halls and finding their missing comrades, but they also have to worry about Lisa Trevor. The overall atmosphere is terrifying and beautiful in its macabre nature. Also Fuck the bees. 

Luigi’s mansion: 

it is a survival Horror game damn it and I will fight you if you don't agree. And I will argue this to the death, Luigi’s mansion is a different style survival horror as you traverse a boo infested mansion as you discover Mario is missing, and that Luigi has to team up with dr. Egad on his mission to capture all the boos and save Mario. The story is pretty cute and the mechanic of sucking up ghosts with a vacuum ala ghost busters is really fun. It’d over all a solid kid friendly horror game overall.  

Alien isolation: 

alien isolation is the not cannon but wildly better sequel to aliens. You play as Rippley's granddaughter as she is awoken from a cyro slumber; as her team receives an s.o.s message. When they arrive, they learn the crew has been killed and the cyborg workers called the everyman have taken over. When she explores deeper into the station, she’s attacked by the xenomorph. So now Ripley has to survive not only androids but the thing that her grandma was fighting. The game is a mix between stealth and survival horror as you the alien is constantly chasing you. And your only means of survival is to escape. The stealth elements are really intense. And the xenomorph itself is terrifying. The plot itself is a lot more fitting than it needs to be. 

Alone in the dark (dos): 

the grandfather of survival horror. Alone in the dark is a fun and cute little survival horror game back when the dos was a powerhouse. And it’s the first 3d horror game. The game also has a split fast between a male and female protagonist, inspiration from love craft poems. It’s over all fun. Also, you kill Cthulhu. Which we have learned isn’t something new, but alone in the dark did it first in this genre. 

Fatal frame: 

fatal frame is the most unique survival horror game, instead of guns you’re given the camera obscura as mystical camera that gives you the ability to take photos of the damned. As you play as (protagonist). As you explore a haunted mansion trying to find your brother. 

Honorable mention Evil Within, Deadly Premonition 2, Cold Fear, and Vampire Hunter D


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