thoughts on the Alone In The Dark leak

  Recently, known liar Dusk Golem announced that an alone in the dark remake was leaked today by a random website, Said a leak of Alone In The Dark will be announced soon. stating it's going to be on the playstation 5, i am skeptical since that so was the supposed silent hill leak. said leak states that it will be set in the 1920s, and a traditional survival horror game. all of this sounds pretty cool and i would be 100% excited, but it's dusk golem who is known to lie.

However, with both Resident Evil 2 and 3 and Dead Space remake, we are in a renaissance of survival horror remakes. and if it's true. Having the grandfather of survival horror being remade would be really cool and exciting. 

The alleged change by making both Emily and Carnby both the main characters in an entwining story, with a gameplay similar to resident evil 2 remake. While keeping a Lovecraftian eldritch horror atmosphere of the original is interesting. The screenshots do show a beautiful game and if it's true i will be excited and hyped for it.

Edit:I accidentally never published this when i typed it up so it stayed in draft. And for once ITS FUCKIGN RIGHT AND A TRAILER WAS FUCKING RELEASED AND ITS SICK AS FUCK


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