Nintendo direct September 13th 2022 write up:

Fire emblem:

A new game in the fire emblem series was announced today. Graphically it looks good. Lots of fan favorites announced. The main characters look a little iffy, Especially the female one. Like if Pepsiman had children with a coke can. 

It takes two:

Critically acclaimed puzzle platformer it takes two makes its way to the switch. I’m very curious on how this will work, will it be local and online coop, with being able to use both joycons, it’s a neat port. 

fatal frame mask of the lunar eclipse;

Finally comes to the west after being trapped on the Wii U’s tomb, fatal frame comes to the u.s

Xenoblade chronicles 3 dlc

New dlc for xenoblade chronicals 3 was announced, giving us a new character. And she looks kinda cool.  like an edgy kosmos waifu type. 

Fist of the nodthstar boxing:

Fist of the northstar is no stranger to weird and wacky games, this new boxing and fitness game is no exception. It makes me wonder how many hours of cardio and boxing do I need to do before I can make someone already dead. 


The cute Links awakening clone on PlayStation 4 and 5 is finally coming to switch. It’s a good fit to the switch and looks like a cute game to play for everyone. 

Front mission remakes:

The remakes of front missions 1 and 2 were shown off today. They look really great. Then at the end they announced they are making a remake of front mission 3

story of seasons: A wonderful life:

First of many farm simulators was announced. This being the return of the series the spawned off from the harvest moon copyright issues. 

Splatoon3 splat fest:

Splatoon 3 launched earlier this month. And with it the many splatfests to come. The first one being what would you bring on a deserted island. 

Octopath traveler 2:

The sequel to the critically acclaimed Octopath traveler finally gets revealed. Showing off the world and characters. And beautiful sprite-based art. 

Fae farm:

Another farm life simulator. however, the art style going for a more cartoony work compared to an anime look is a nice change

Final fantasy rythem theater:

Square Enix’s one of few rhythm games. For the 30th anniversary or final fantasy. They are posting the anniversary rhythm game from the 3ds. With music from other games including Octopath, neir and live-a-live 

Mario and Rabbids dlc:

I called it. Though no Rayman on screen the Mario+rayman cross over Mario and rabbids 2’s speak of hope was officially shown off. while it was rayman free

Rune factory 3:

Rune factory 3 being ported to switch, farming sim number 3 ironically. We also learn they are developing a new rune factory: not counting this as a farming sim announcement because it’s just an announcement of an announcement. 

N64 Games ported:

Pokémon stadium 1 and 2, 1080 snowboarding, Mario party 1, 2, 3 are coming to switch via the n64 collection you need to get via the monthly pass to play n64 games. its a decent pull of old nintendo 64 games, compared to the easier picks like mario party and smash only. 


RANDOMLY DURING THE N64 GAMES BEING SHOWN, THEY SHOW US 007: GOLDEN EYE WAS BEING PORTED WITH ONLINE PLAY. No gameplay shown, so we don’t know if it’s just a port of the original or a remake. But I’m excited to see this classic shooter being brought back to us. And rare is away from Microsoft’s mines for a little bit of time. 

Various daylight:

Originally on the iOS, various daylight comes to consoles. The mission based rpg 


I’m not sure if this counts as a farming sim, but the space capitalism sim was announced to come to switch. 


The classic indie horror game maker game is finally getting a new breath of life by being ported onto switch. 

Mario strikers:

Mario strikers getting new dlc in the form of new strikers Paulina and diddy Kong. While a little funny that they would be paired together due to Paulina’s past I kinda wish it was donkey Kong sr instead of diddy. 

atelier ryza 3:

The return of the cute action rpg is was shown off as Reiza 3 graced us onto screens for switch. its shows us the cute designs, and great anime aesthetic

also ryza's thighs

Wave 3 for Mario kart:

The next dlc maps was announced for Mario kart including a sneak peak at the coming maps peaches castle from Mario kart da. 

Nintendo switch sports: golf:

The next update for switch sports was announced as we get golf. Including the 8 player golf mode. Where 8 players play at once in a semi battle royale mode. It’s chaotic and a good way to play golf because golf is boring other wise 

Mario movie:

Still happening 

Super Nintendo world comes to the United States:

Nintendos theme park is coming to universal studios Hollywood. 

Pikmin bloom:

It exists. its pokemon go for pikmin, its cute too. 

pikmin game 4:

While no gameplay shown, we do get a screenshot and an announcement. It looks cute. 

Just dance 2023:

Another year another just dance. 


The last of the farming simulators was announced as square Enixs harvest moon clone was shown. Though the twist is This Is also an action rpg. 

Bayonetta 3:

FUCKING FINALLY. ANY INFORMATION AND GAMEPLAY SHOWN FOR BAYONETTA 3. We get to see our umbra waifus big return along side our returning cast luka and Jeanne. And some info on the new heroine 


From the developers of dangonronpa is a new spooky horror adventure game. With pretty anime characters, spooky reapers and interesting things shown. 

Resident evil 8 cloud port:

Resident evil 8: village and the gold versions dlc are coming to switch via the cloud port. Speaking of cloud ports, Resident evil 7: biohazard’s cloud port finally came to America after being released to switch after its original release in Japan. Resident evil 2 remake And resident evil 3 remake are also coming to switch finally meaning that all but classic resident evil 1-3 are now are on switch port. 


The controversial yet really well made and popular in China action game stifu has come to switch. 

Crisis core remaster:

In the celebration of final fantasy square Enix has shown that the crisis core remaster is being ported onto switch. I’m glad it’s getting a main console port because it being stuck on psp is hell for that thing. 

Radiant silver gun:

An amazing old school top space shooter. 

Endless dungeon 

A pretty cool looking indie rogue like 

Tales of symphonia remake

The classic tales of rpg is getting remaster for switch. 

Kirby return to dream land deluxe:

Is the remake of the wiis return to dream land. Adding new moves and new modes making it a four player cute chaotic fun time. 

Zelda tears of the kingdom:

After years of small bits and jabs, the sequel to breath of the wild has finally returned giving us a look at what it is. It looks great to see, and the gameplay we’ve seen it looks amazing. 


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