The Harley Quinn show peaked at season 2 and we need to talk about it
So recently after the Warner discovery merger I decided to binge watch a bunch of dc shows that are on hbo max just to cross them off my bucket list while I can, and; the Harley Quinn show was on there. And season 1 holds up really well, it’s a hell of a strong start funny moments mixed with drama and development. It even made a z tier villain like kiteman become an a tier villain. Then season 2 happened, it had its moments, but this is where I felt it peaked for me. Then season 3 happened and. This show isn’t funny anymore. At least to me it isn’t. I know I’m a white man so I’m not it’s target audience, but like. There can’t be any women, not even lesbian women who like this show now.

The Flandersization everyone who’s not a woman. Every male character went from very developed characters with feelings and arch’s, to just the same joke over and over, Batman’s trauma, clayface is a failed actor, swamp thing is a male feminist man bun. It’s hard for me to laugh at a joke, when the joke gets old fast. And the character telling it becomes the joke. The biggest darkest bat shaped example is Bruce Wayne. Whenever he’s on screen he’s either a bumbling man child or its about his dead parents. In one way or another. Adopts two Persian cats? Name it Martha and Thomas. I’m not a sexist, I think that women can and are funny. But this show has a problem with flandersization of some of the male cast. I get it’s an adult cartoon filled with adult jokes and what not so not everyone has to be fleshed out. 

Bruce can do several martial arts and saves the lives of thousands daily but some how also can’t cook himself food and has to rely on Alfred to make him nachos. It’s just unbelievably bad writing. They made cat woman into a snobby bitch who makes fun of Bruce and his trauma is astounding to me. Sure she’s made jabs at him in the comics a lot but: to turn someone’s trauma into a fucking joke is super awful. To call a man who offered you cats named after his dead parents and to say “I’m not here for your rich white tears” is incredibly super disgusting for a person to do.

Especially when the next episode or so later they try to roll that back with Harley saying to Bruce’s inner trauma that it’s a valid fear to have. It’s super inconsistent in its writing. Who is this for? It’s trying to be an adult comedy like family guy; but also a comicbook cartoon. But also a “men bad” feminist statement. That I haven’t even seen anyone talk about season 2. It feels like it’s for the Twitter crowed but no one on Twitter cares about it anymore. Hell as I’m writing this the zombie episodes ended, and ivy is talking like a white woman trying to sound black; so it can’t be for them at all. 

Copyright: Harley Quinn and the Harley Quinn show are property of hbo max, Warner brothers and dc comics

Ethics and brevity: I have no affiliation with dc

Comics, Batman, hbo or Warner brothers I’m just a pedantic nerd


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