Ultimate Avengers Review

copyright: The avengers and Ultimate avengers are property of Marvel comics and disney

brevity and ethics: i have no affiliation with marvel or the avengers, just a fan


"The Ultimate Avengers" (2006) is a playful and enjoyable venture into the world of Marvel Comics, providing a kid-friendly and family-friendly interpretation of the Ultimate Comics. With its entertaining and energetic approach, this animated film delivers an entertaining experience for any comic book fan or budding superhero enthusiast. Although it wasn't given a chance to flourish, it still remains a worthy contribution to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, introducing audiences to some of the iconic characters from the Ultimate Comics in a fun and lighthearted format.

Let's step back in time to World War II for a moment. The war was raging and everyone was doing their part to defeat the Axis powers. Captain America was one of the brave soldiers on the frontlines, fighting off Nazi forces and their ultimate weapon, a super soldier serum that would help win the war. In a dramatic twist of events, Cap sacrifices himself to save his brothers in arms, ending up frozen in a block of ice at the bottom of the ocean. Little did they know that his selfless act would lead to one of the biggest cinematic universes the world has ever seen


Captain America, frozen from time... until the modern day, that is. After years in solitude, the frozen soldier was discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D, who took him back to their headquarters for scientific examination. There, under the direction of Bruce Banner and Betty Ross, Captain America's body and mind were studied and tested in hopes of unlocking the secrets of his miraculous survival and reawakening. But now, it's time for Captain America to step out of the freezer and back into history!

When Captain America emerged from his icy slumber, one can imagine the confusion and excitement at headquarters. After all these years, the legendary World War II hero had returned and he wasn't done saving the world. As Steve Rogers was brought in for medical evaluation, Bruce Banner and the team working to replicate the super soldier serum got more than they bargained for. The routine checks were interrupted when the Captain suddenly came to life and began attacking the medical and security teams! Apparently, a long nap can make you quite grumpy, as Captain America quickly discovered.

The Captain didn't waste any time after thawing out of his icy slumber. The security team was no match for his super soldier skills, and he was soon battling his way out of the base. As he fought off the team he though was made up of Nazi super soldiers, his adrenaline was pumping. But after escaping the base, he was met with a sight that stopped him in his tracks. The world around him was completely different from the one he remembered. A man frozen in World War II suddenly finding himself in the modern day, Captain America was now a fish out of water.


Captain America's life as he knew it had suddenly changed. The world around him was no longer the same one he remembered. He was now living in the present day, surrounded by taller buildings, more advanced technology, and seemingly more people than he could imagine. As the Captain got his bearings and tried to take in this new landscape, he was met by an old friend: Nick Fury. Captain America, a bit dazed and confused, asked him the obvious question: 

His mind reeling with all the information he had just been presented with, Captain America could only manage to stay upright for a moment before he lost consciousness. In that moment, he was a soldier, a man out of time, and seemingly a man without a country. He had lost everything he knew: his fellow soldiers, his love, his life. Yet, in this moment of turmoil, Captain America's one saving grace came in the form of his loyalty to his mission. With tears rolling down his face and with nothing left to guide him.


This scene is a true testament to the character of this universe's Captain America. His hopes and dreams are the same as any soldier wanting to return home after a long war, dreaming of dancing slow with his beloved. His hope, the one thing keeping him going in these trying times, is the possibility of finishing the mission and being able to return home to the love of his life. This shows us the humanity in this version of the legendary hero, making him all the more compelling and relatable. It's a truly touching moment that showcases the best of his character. Unlike the source material where he says the worse shit like this:


The action continues at the S.H.I.E.L.D base as we cut away from a touching scene with Captain America to a more intense battle scene. It seems a Chitauri (whatever that means) war ship has decided to attack the base, destroying its satellite in the process and leaving chaos and destruction in its wake. This means a trail of debris and destruction, but also brings another challenge for Captain America who is just beginning to understand the world he finds himself in.


At S.H.I.E.L.D, things are tense after their satellite got taken out by a mysterious Chitauri threat. Shield is furious and demands that Fury put Project Avenger into full gear and put together a super team to defend Earth. Fury is wary of this, given the heroes that the government wants to use are seen as unworthy and are often cocky assholes. While this decision may seem like a tough call, it's certainly a choice that must be made carefully as the fate of the planet is at stake.


Bruce and Betty come together for a heart-to-heart in what seems like a personal moment between them. However, as we soon find out, the purpose of their conversation is for Bruce to express his desire to create the super soldier serum in order to control his Hulk powers and revive their romance. Like a "clingy ex", Bruce hopes that the serum will be the gateway to getting Betty back and putting things between them back to where they once were. While Betty thinks this is for the greater good, it seems like Bruce has more self-serving motivations.

In a luxurious bar in New York City, billionaire playboy Tony Stark can be found regaling the bartender with stories of his previous adventures. As he continues to chat, a mysterious redhead approaches, seemingly interested in the self-proclaimed "genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist". In a bid to impress the woman, Stark gladly follows her into a secluded area where he hopes to continue their conversation. However, he soon finds out that he has walked right into a setup. As a gun is cocked, none other than Nick Fury reveals himself, having used a beautiful woman as bait to trap Stark in a compromising situation. In the set up we learn the red head was Natasha Romanov aka the black widow, and fury asks for two things. 

  1. The location of Ironman 
  2. The supplies that shield asked for to finish the super solider program

Upon questioning from Nick Fury, Tony Stark confesses that the shipment was indeed sent to S.H.I.E.L.D that afternoon. He further explains that he didn't know the identity of Ironman or where he went, only that he had purchased the armor from him. Stark uses this to his advantage, making his escape as a helicopter waits for him nearby. As Fury and Widow head off to continue the search for the next avengers, they wonder if their mission was truly a success or if they just let the goose that lays the golden eggs slip through their fingers.


Fury and Black Widow make their way to a rundown warehouse owned by Hank Pym. Inside, they discuss the creation of the Avengers team and that Pym himself wants to have his wife, Wasp, join the team. However, Wasp makes a surprising bargain, agreeing to be on the team if Pym can also join. Pym, the cocky dick bag hero that he is, seems willing to do everything for his beloved wife. As they proceed with the creation of the giant man formula and Hank Pym's transformation into a huge superhero, Fury's rant about cocky heroes takes center stage in a hilarious interaction. 


Widow breaks up the tense negotiation with a new dire revelation. It seems a fighter jet is crashing from the sky and Iron Man is attempting to save it. Thanks to the conveniently timed distraction, Shield is given the perfect chance to negotiate with Tony Stark to join the team. Reluctantly, the brilliant billionaire agrees and welcomes Ant-Man and Wasp into the Avengers. Unfortunately, the party is cut short as Iron Man avoids Fury's chase and makes his escape, proving himself to be the ultimate "cocky superhero" with his self serving ways.

Captain America is led on a tour of his old neighborhood, taking in the sights of this new world he finds himself in. He makes his way to Bucky's house, finding his old friend waiting for him. Together, the two reminisce about the old days and the people they've lost, particularly Bucky's wife. In a moment of vulnerability, Captain America breaks down, unable to cope with the changes in the world around him and the tragedy he has lived through. As the two old friends comfort each other, the pain of the past weighs heavy on their hearts.

 As Captain America struggles to understand the new world around him, he turns to the one thing that seems familiar to him: his old buddies from battle. However, he soon learns that war isn't fair and that not everyone is fortunate enough to be frozen in ice like he was. This truth hits Captain America hard as he stands in front of the graves of his fallen comrades and pays his respect. Despite his broken heart, Nick Fury offers Captain America the words of encouragement and strength necessary to move forward and continue on his journey.

Steve and Fury shake their heads, and push their sadness aside. As they get into the Quinnjet, they head to a place in New York Harbor, in the quest to round out their superhero team, Fury and Captain America head out to recruit their last member: Thor. In this version of events, Thor is a homeless activist with a heart full of kindness and a passion for helping others. However, his latest mission takes him up against some evil-doers: the whale hunters. Leading a group of people, Thor demands that they stand down, showing off his might as a superhero and his soft spot for the poor and oppressed.https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1lAgUlduxhamQDtxncWRsHPSiKkHD3zQ3Thor is attacked by these evil-doers but stands his ground, using his godly powers to defend the precious whales. Using his might and creating an ice storm, Thor not only protects the whales but also sends a message to those who would dare attack those in need. With his impressive show of force, Thor makes it clear that he is not to be messed with and that he is all in for the cause of helping the whales. This scene is a powerful demonstration of Thor's might and his willingness to stand up for what is right, no matter the cost.

Still reeling from Thor's impressive display of power, Fury and Captain America land at the site where the whales were being attacked. Much to their surprise, however, Thor declines their offer to join the Avengers. Instead of accepting the invitation, Thor calls Fury a sellout, while recognizing Captain America's strength and moral principles. In a surprising turn of events, Thor then proceeds to hug Captain America, expressing his appreciation and respect for his actions and recognizing everything he had done on behalf of the whales. This scene is an unexpected yet touching moment, showing the respect and admiration Thor has for his fellow hero. The two share a moment, Thor hugs Steve Rogers as a sign of respect. They two blondes are on equal levels to Thor's point of view, and Steve agrees letting Thor's hug last. 


As Steve and Fury fly back to the base, the scene below is a sobering reminder of the damage caused by the Hulk. Steve is hit with the truth that Bruce Banner is the mighty hero's true identity and that he is responsible for the destruction. Despite this realization, Steve doesn't seem too worried about having such a powerful hero on the team, fully trusting in Fury's decision to recruit him. The team may have just gotten a bit more formidable, but will their new recruit have ulterior motives and what part will he play in the future of the team? Will Bruce be able to control the violent beast? Things will come in time.

As Fury brings the newly formed team together, they gather for their first group meeting. The team gets a glimpse into the alternate history of this world's WWII, where the Nazis utilized a powerful enemy known as the Chitauri to attack the Allied Nations. These shape-shifters, who act as this world's version of the Skrulls, were able to easily infiltrate this Earth, as many of its protective forces were not present in this universe. While many still doubt Fury, Captain America, who has witnessed the Chitauri first hand, knows that this grave threat is more than truth. Upon learning the origins of Vibranium, the newly formed team is introduced to the importance of this unique metal. Considered rare and more difficult to obtain than other made-up elements, such as "unobtanium" used in Batman movies or "unobtanium" used in Avatar, Vibranium appears to be the only material capable of fending off against the Chitauri and their galactic threat. In a world where this Earth has been left dangerously exposed, Vibranium seems to be an essential element that could change the course of the future. 


As the team prepares to disband for the evening, Bruce Banner and Captain America have a heartfelt conversation. Cap suggests that Bruce use his vast scientific knowledge to benefit humanity, rather than seeking to re-create the super soldier serum in an attempt to improve himself. This advice is not well received by Bruce, who becomes frustrated and throws a tantrum. Thankfully, Betty Ross, a close friend of Bruce's, is there to calm him down with a sedative, ensuring the team's safety. This scene demonstrates Bruce's vulnerability and a glimpse into his internal struggles, as well as the importance of supportive friendships. 

The global threat posed by the Chitauri increases with the discovery that they have infiltrated a S.H.I.E.L.D. base and have begun to dismantle their satellites. The Avengers immediately mobilize to counter the invasion, sending all the team members except for Hank Pym into the base to neutralize the threat. Pym is distraught and demands to be sent inside, requesting to stand in defense of his beloved Wasp. However, he is told to stand down and capture any retreating. Chitauri The fate of the world lies with the Avengers who must react quickly to avert catastrophe. 


As the Avengers launch their counter-attack against the Chitauri the mission is going surprisingly well until the unexpected happens. Wasp is knocked out and is in danger, leading Iron Man to rush to her rescue only to be knocked down himself, causing his systems to malfunction and bring him close to death. Before Captain America can react, he too is attacked. Luckily, Black Widow saves him and allows Cap to pull Iron Man from the danger zone, revealing his true identity, Tony Stark. This turn of events makes for a shocking twist that will have serious consequences down the road. 

Despite the initial success against the Chitauri, they manage to escape with all of S.H.I.E.L.D's files. An enraged Fury confronts Hank Pym and fires him for his failure. Chaos ensues as Iron Man, upset over the situation, decides to leave. Fury turns his attention to Bruce Banner, pushing him to complete the super soldier serum, a decision that causes him more trouble than he bargained for. That's when Bruce takes matters into his own hands and takes the injection; much to everyone's shock, Bruce hulks out and shows them what he's truly capable of.  He's no longer the monster, but the man. 

Unfortunately, Bruce is unable to control the Hulk, and he goes on an unstoppable rampage through the ranks of the Chitauri armada. While the heroes continue to fight bravely, the odds are stacking up against them without Vibranium. Soon the cavalry arrives as Iron Man returns with news. The Chitauri are equipped with Vibranium armor, forcing the heroes to take drastic measures. Even with this new information, the situation remains bleak, with their enemies still outnumbering them and their ships untouched. The future is grim unless a solution presents itself soon. 

And one does, and in a dramatic show of force, a lightning storm erupts across the sky, signaling the long-awaited arrival of Thor. With the power of thunder and lightning, he swiftly annihilates the engines of the Chitauri armada, bringing the invasion to an abrupt halt. With the threat of the armada neutralized, the heroes turn their attention to the real problem: the raging Hulk. However, the thunder god's efforts to reason with the giant green rage monster prove futile as Hulk takes down Captain America and Ant Man, leaving the team vulnerable to a dangerous new threat from their own teammate.

In a sudden twist, that no one could have seen at all, the Hulk bursts into the facility with his incredible strength, tearing through everything in his path. With his mighty barrage, the Chitauri forces are completely shattered and defeated, no longer a threat to the team. The team puts up a valiant effort, trying to subdue the berserk Hulk, but to no avail. Thor makes a valiant effort to pacify the rampaging monster with his mighty hammer Mjolnir, but Hulk struggles to lift it and eventually tosses it away with disappointment. Despite the team's best efforts, it is Captain America's intervention that ultimately stops the Hulk's attack.

With the Hulk running amok and his strength proving impossible to stop, Cap challenges the giant green monster to a final one-on-one battle. However, his stalling attempts are futile. Pym manages to get close and tries to subdue the Hulk with the sedatives, but it's to no avail. Cap makes one last-ditch effort to fight him hand-to-hand but is unsuccessful, prompting Betty, the medic, to intervene. After calming him down and waiting for the sedatives to take effect, Betty uses her expertise to apply the drugs, which promptly cause the Hulk to fall asleep, the danger eliminated.


Amidst the chaos and destruction of war, the team ultimately emerges victorious. With the final moments of the fight behind them, we see Bruce Banner securely contained in a protective cell, Captain America reuniting with the love of his life, and the rest of the Avengers celebrating their hard-won success. The sight of these heroic individuals banded together, unified by purpose and a sense of pride, brings a poignant and heartwarming closure to their struggles and a triumphant end to their hard-fought victory.


This movie is an enjoyable and captivating experience, providing excellent pacing, impressive animation, and an inspirational story of hope. Despite an initially bleak outlook, the film emphasizes that even when the situation appears hopeless, there is always a way to survive. With dynamic animation and positive messages, this animated feature is certainly a must-watch for any dedicated fan of the MCU.


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