Shock troopers review

Ethics and brevity:

i am just a fan and have no affiliation to the game or SNK


SNK Playmore


The story of shock troopers is the most metal top-down shooter I’ve played in ages. You can play as one or 3 soldiers from a list of 10 troopers. all of which have great powers and pretty cool abilities.  So we'll jump into the game. 

A young girl is kidnapped by the leader of the evil terrorist organization called the “Blood Scorpions” to force her grandfather to build a super weapon, a drug called Alpha 301. said drug will create leigons of super soliders under the command of the Blood Scorpions, and it’s starting to sound like a Bruno matei film. Which is always a great thing. 

there are three branching patches to take. I took the mountain tops; but there are also jungles and and valey routes. both routes have some really interesting routes and different colorful soroundings.  During the first mission we take on hoards and hoards of enemies and their military weapons such as tanks and command tower snipers. after we mow down the enemies we get a cutscene of the girl cecilia, 

She's sitting at a windowsill, lamenting her kidnapping. asking and begging to be saved by someone, by anyone as she opens a locket revealing a picture of the leader of the Shock troopers. its honestly really powerful, showing how useless she feels. The branching paths return, so if you are wanting a change of scenary mid game you can go. the further we go, we get another cutscene of the bloody scorpions, their men are dying one by one due to the awesome power of the shock troopers. and their leader is Pissed.

we mow down the rest of the scorpions, and we finally get a chance to take on their leader. but he leaves and tells us to fuck off, we chase them down to his giant airplane. after we clear their hanger and the airplane personal. we finally get to take on their leader. and hes a fucking insanely hard. but after we defeat him we parashoot down back to earth girl in hand, as they fall back to earth they share a kiss as it flashes to white, 

after it comes back from the cut to white we get to the girl looking at a picture of the leader of the shock troopers smiling happily that shes safe and returned to safety

its a fucking fun game, full of flashy blood and gore, and 80s exploitation action. reminiscent of a Bruno Matei movie. it has great music and a fun story. 


This game feels like an improved take on metal slug when it comes to some of the mechanics 

8 directional shooting

this game has a really great way of multi-directional shooting. which is super uncommon for these kinds of games back then.

Temporary upgrades:

The game has a few temporary use secondary weapons. Such as a flame thrower and a spread gun

Secondary weapons:

Every character has their own secondary explosive. Ranging from grenade to homing missile


If you’re close enough. You can just shank a mother fucker

Combat roll:

The game has a cut dodge roll


its pace is fast

the story is cheesy but fun

top -down action has its charm




the game is very fun and is worth a once over


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