Top 10 Video games i played in 2023

The year 2023 was quite a hotpot of video game enjoyment for me. There were AAA blockbuster titles that captivated my attention, alongside smaller indie and legacy classics as well. Choosing 10 qualified titles based on genre alone seemed impossible, so instead, I selected the 10 games that I had the most fun playing or playing through this past year. While some of them may have been unfinished, I couldn't deny the immense enjoyment I had while engaging with them. Ultimately, 2023 was a vibrant year in terms of video game enjoyment for me.

As a fan of the macabre and things that bump in the night. I ended up playing a lot of horror games. So this is going to be your content warning for scary things like body horror, blood and gore.  

1. resident evil 4 remake: 

in 2023, Capcom released a remake of the critically acclaimed survival horror game Resident Evil 4. the remake itself is a mostly faithful remake of the original game, the story beats are the same and the only changes it made was some story writing and giving Ada more stuff to do in separate ways illuminating an unneeded dlc for her on operation Ada. (seriously its not needed)

If you haven't played any version of resident evil 4, here's a quick spoiler free summery of the game. You play as Leon Kennedy who's sent to someone in a Spanish part of Europe to find the presidents daughter. as he arrives it gets pretty intense as the villagers are all infected with a local bio-weapon called Las Plagas said virus is made by a cult that's so powerful in the village its leaders are the king and prince of the village. Leon has to traverse the village to save the daughter and the day.

other than transplanting some of the parts to Ada the game no longer uses the quick time event cut scenes and instead makes them a more traditional and bombastic cut scene. it also runs on the RE:engine so any resident evil game on it will have the same combat and animations. For what the remake keeps, other than its bombastic atmosphere, it keeps It's action movie hyper violence and one liners and 99% of its story. Buy the game: HERE

2. injustice: gods among men: 

Injustice, a dark tale where Superman succumbs to his "one bad day," set in motion by the cunning of The Joker, where he tricks Superman into killing both Lois Lane and his unborn son. As Superman deals with the grief and pain of Lois' death, but he cant. he submits to his inner darkness and becomes a tyrant taking justice into his own hand by killing and threatening villains and heroes who try to stop him from forcing peace around the world. As that is happening, Batman from Earth One enters the universe where superman lost everything, and with the help of the surviving members of the Justice League stand against the tyrannical madman and save both their worlds. With a gripping and thrilling storyline set in the well-loved DC universe, Injustice is a must-play for fans of alternate universes, superhero action, and intriguing character journeys.

but it: here

3. diablo 4: 

I, admittedly, know very little about the "Diablo" series due to my StarCraft upbringing. However, the new gameplay and story elements caught my attention. My wife and I tried it out, and we were pleasantly surprised by its fun and diverse gameplay, MMO RPG elements, and horror elements. Despite its grinding element, we nonetheless had a fun time teaming up and playing it together. While we didn't invest too much time into it, we are still left with pleasant memories of our brief playthroughs, which is a testament to its engaging and entertaining nature.

I'm not that far into the game due to my love of doing grindy bullshit, but its story over all that I've seen is pretty insanely fun and macabre. Lilith's plan is pretty insane and the designs are incredible. Diablo 4" begins with your character, a refugee from the destruction of Tristram, arriving in the city of Kurast alongside a group of other refugees. Here, you are introduced to the main town hub and various plot points and characters that will drive the story throughout the game. You meet and interact with various individuals, from a demon hunter to a scholar of the arcane, helping you gather information and insight into the various threats plaguing the region. After completing some initial quests, you set out to explore the various regions, each with its own unique dangers and inhabitants.

buy it: here

4. world of horror:  

World of Horror" is a 1-bit, rogue-like survival horror game that presents players with multiple stories and multiple endings. As you progress through the game, you are confronted with multiple difficult decisions, where the choice may seem simple, but the consequences can be far-reaching. Taking inspiration from the works of Junji Ito and H.P Lovecraft, the aesthetics are dripping with body horror and a dark, eerie atmosphere. As you play, you must remain vigilant, as the game is notorious for its punishing gameplay and its willingness to offer players seemingly "good" choices that actually lead to gruesome fates. The world is filled with monsters and side-quests. 

World of Horror has simplistic but easy to remember Mechanics. It uses a point-and-click method for adventuring and turn-based combat for its action. the game also has a small character customization, its cosmetics do assist the player, i.e the captain of the swim team suit gives you more agility, etc. It also uses a mechanic similar to the sanity meter from Eternal darkness, called the doom meter, the more doom your character feels, the closer the eldrich horror the game has chosen to be your god is. if it his 100% the game is over everyone dies. 

buy it: here

5. endless blue:  

Endless Blue isnt a traditional game, it isnt even a full game. but a demo made for the haunted psx game jam, its a homage to both resident evil 1 and deep fear. you play as a heroine whos job it is to investigate what happened to an underwater base. but when she learns what happens, she is attacked by a strange creature. the game is still in development and can be bought here. its a fun tribute and worth the 45 minute play through

6. helltaker:  

Helltaker's" time is now - a wild, quirky, and delightful experience where you travel through the various circles of Hell to build your harem of demonic beauties. As you navigate through this action packed puzzle-oriented adventure, you must overcome the game's challenging, yet addictive gameplay and seduce the various demoness for your satisfaction and pleasure. A must-try, entertaining, and free game, "Helltaker" takes you on a mad and zany journey that is worth your time and effort. So what are you waiting for? Jump in and make some pancakes for your demon harem, today!

buy it: here

7. marvel snap:  

marvel snap is a free-to-play tactical card game with gacha bullshit. but with marvel heroes and villains. its a fun time waster. 

8.  persona 4: golden

Now; Persona 4; Golden is one of the video games I am still playing as of writing this article, and have only gotten to the end of Chie's dungeon, so this portion is going to only cover that with brief spoilers. That being said, Persona 4/Persona 4: Golden is  damn great jrpg mixing atmospheres of American horror and suspense with Japanese media. mainly the themes borrow heavily from the great television show "Twin Peaks" as well as the hit anime JoJo's bizzare adventure: Stardust Crusaders and its sequel Golden Wind. 

the game itself however in the least spoiler way possible. Persona 4" is an RPG video game where the main character moves to a small suburban town, and quickly realizes that something strange is going on. He and his new friends discover a mysterious world known as the "Midnight Channel," where they meet a mysterious talking teddy bear. From there on, the group ventures into the dungeon called Yukiko's Castle, where they face various adversaries, both human and supernatural. Throughout the game, they form strong bonds and face the darkness of the human heart. Along the way, they discover the truth about the Midnight Channel and the fate of their new home."

If you've only ever played or watched the anime for Persona 5. I highly recomend checking out persona 4 

9.  the evil within 2

"The Evil Within 2" follows Sebastian Castellanos, as he explores the horrifying reality of a twisted world haunted by a powerful and sinister force. Searching for answers and solutions to the mysterious events he's tangled in, Sebastian faces various challenges and challenges, from both the environment and its inhabitants. Throughout the game, he battles terrifying entities known as "The Nightmare" and discovers the truth behind the shadowy organization known as "Moebius." He also makes meaningful connections with various other characters, and faces moral dilemmas throughout, as he fights for survival and uncovers the truth.

The Evil Within 2 features various new features that deviate from the gameplay and mechanics of "The Evil Within." Players will be able to explore a larger, more open world, where they are tasked with completing various side quests and secondary objectives. "The Evil Within 2" includes a greater emphasis on stealth gameplay, allowing players to hide in various elements of the environment, such as shadows and grass. The enemy AI has also been improved, with enemies reacting more quickly and intelligently to player movements. A crafting system has been added, allowing players to create various weapons and items to aid in gameplay.

buy it here

10. corpse party:  

Corpse party is the second game on this list i never finished, 

"was that a ghost?" Corpse Party" was a cult classic survival horror visual novel game, released in the late 1990s. Drawing from psychological horror with a dark and foreboding atmosphere, the game follows various chapters with different characters, trying to survive a brutal and supernatural existence. Set in an abandoned school and the netherworld they are trapped in, "Corpse Party" offers blood, gore, and depth and is a thrilling and beautiful game. Mixing visual novel graphics with survival horror and RPG maker elements, "Corpse Party" is a masterpiece of dark and immersive storytelling.

The game is known for its intricate and detailed storytelling, creating a uniquely immersive and thrilling atmosphere. Along the way, the characters encounter disturbing and gruesome fates, yet forge strong bonds with each other to fight for survival amidst the horrific existence they have been trapped in. Whether it is your first time playing or your tenth playthrough, "Corpse Party" is sure to leave you on the edge of your seat, with its dark and mysterious tone and captivating survival horror gameplay.

buy it:here

copyright: resident evil 4 is property of capcom, diablo is property of blizzard, persona is property of sega, marvel snap is property of marvel and second breakfast, world of horror is property of  Ysbryd  games, injustice is property of warner brothers, helltaker is property of lukasz piskorz, corpse party is property of mages, Evil within 2 is property of tengu games, endless blue is property of mrdiv. 

brevity and ethics: i have no affiliation with any of the provided games or companies or rights holders, im just a nerd who enjoyed these games


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