Wolverine PS5 MAJOR LEAK

copyright: Wolverine, Jean Grey and X-men are property of Marvel Comics and Disney, Wolverine (ps5) are property of insomiac games
brevity and ethics: I have no affiliation or association with Wolverine or X-men. 

Breaking news just in on December 19th 2023: Insomniac Games and Sony have been dealt a major blow, as a leak of their upcoming video game roadmap has been publicly released. The leak is said to contain crucial information about upcoming titles such as the much-anticipated Wolverine game, which includes playable demo content detailing Logan's formidable "heightened sense of smell"

and a cinematic cutscene where he transitions from a civilian-clothed Logan to the iconic mutant Wolverine. As more details continue to unfold, stay tuned for all the latest updates on this game-changing leak.

The leak contained even more exciting info about the Wolverine game's gameplay, including a peek at combat moments featuring the titular mutant sporting his iconic dark brown and yellow costume. We see him effortlessly dispatching Hand ninjas with fluid claw combos and a whirlwind strike attack. More surprising footage reveals Patch, the secret identity of Wolverine, and even Jean Grey, adding even more depth to the game's combat. This epic game is shaping up to be one of the most exciting and engaging titles yet, promising a thrilling combat experience for devoted fans and newcomers alike.


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