The Coolest Movies Coming Out in 2024
copyright: Lord Of The Ring and The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim are property of Warner Brothers and J. R. R. Tolken
I apologize for the lateness of this article, life has been a bit wild for me in mid december. but im back and fully recharged and ready to continue to blog away. so without further adue, lets discuss the coolest movies coming out in the year 2024.
Dune part 2:
Re-enter the world of Dune, the harsh and unforgiving desert of sand and spice traders. Follow Paul Atreides as he tries to unite the Chani and Fremen and defeat the evil empire, bringing the world back to its natural order. This adventure promises to be a gripping one, filled with all the twists and turns of the harsh desert landscape and the politics and intrigue of the royal court. Also, Zendaya is pretty cute! Just sayin'.
Kong x Godzilla:
Joker part 2
The 2019 Joaquin Phoenix Joker was a masterpiece of fiction which brought the Joker's origin story to life in a dark and gritty graphic novel movie, honoring the likes of King of Comedy and Taxi Driver. The movie's massive popularity instantly skyrocketed, prompting Warner Brothers and DCto quickly pen a sequel. With Lady Gaga in the role of Harley Quinn, it promises to be an interesting outing for the Joker franchise. I'm excited to see the trajectory of the sequel and where the Joker character and franchise go from here, hoping that Batman never factors in and we get more Gordon and Gotham PD instead.
Bill Skarsgard's momentum in his career continues to gain traction, and studios are capitalizing on the resurgence of classic horror movies. Universal is announcing a remake of the Dracula franchise with Nosferatu, a dark, macabre-filled horror movie that promises to be filled with dark, shadowy mystery and macabre. Let's see what this new take on the franchise brings to the table, and how it holds up to the original classic. The trailer looks promising and artistic with only showing us a shadowy hand as it reaches for an innocent woman looking out a window. I look forward to this movie changing the way we look at horror in 2024
The Crow:
Every night we burn, every night we call his name, and that name is Bill Skarsgard! Coming hot off the heels of the successful I.T reboot, and the titanic failure of what could have been with Jason Mamoa. The studio quickly swooped in and replaced Jason with Bill Skarsgard, who is fresh off the success of playing Pennywise in the recent adaptation of Stephen King's It. Let's see if this switch was the right choice, and if Bill is the new face of the nightmare on The Crow.
While no release date, poster or trailer has been released yet. The reboot is slated for a 2024 release date.
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim:

With a setting years before The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings told through the story of Helm Hammerhand, the upcoming film is sure to be a feast for fans of the legendary warrior's bravery and skill. We'll get to see how Helm achieved the status of legendary Rohan, who defended the soon-to-be Helm's Deep from the armies of Duneland. This highly anticipated film is a must-see for fans of the LOTR trilogy, exploring key characters and events that were only briefly mentioned in the books and movies.
Madame Web:
While Deadpool 3 is the only MCU movie coming out, it doesn't mean that we're not getting superhero movies. Fox is trying to keep the Spiderverse going with the Madame Web movie, which follows the multiversal being and origin of the Spider powers. The trailer shows a pretty bare bones but action packed trailer as the titular Madame Web as she has deja vu, seeing glimpse of people's deaths and how they die. Through the trailer we basically get her version of Spider-sense, which gives her a glance into the future. There are also snippets of action scenes and the Weird combo of Spider-Girl and Spider-Man outfits which The trailer also shows the appearance of the villain, whose costume is a weird evil version of Spider-Man's outfit. It's definitely an interesting looking movie and a must-see for Spider-Man fans.
Sonic The Hedgehog 3:
Sonic The Hedgehog is on a roll, and it looks like his feet will never touch the ground, as Sonic The Hedgehog 2's mid-credit scene gives a promising beginning for Sonic The Hedgehog 3, where Shadow The Hedgehog will be appearing. There are also indications that this sequel will draw inspiration from Sonic Adventure 2, which opens up a whole new world of possibilities for Sonic and his friends. It looks like this franchise is here to stay, and its momentum does not seem to be slowing down any time soon.
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