Deadpool and Wolverine Trailer revealed

copyright: Deadpool and Wolverine is property of Disney and Marvel
brevity and ethics: I have no affiliation with Marvel, Disney, X-men or Deadpool, im just a fan

It's a big night for the Deadpool and X-Men fans! Ryan Reynolds and Disney gave us an early teaser trailer for Deadpool 3 during the Super Bowl, revealing that the merc with a mouth is returning to our screens. The trailer keeps it simple with Deadpool in battle, as his vision gets blurry, we see the silhouette of wolverine coming to either assist or attack our merc with a mouth. And an infographic telling us to watch the full trailer online. the trailer being only a few seconds long was a very pained one, having waited for so long. only to be denied until the end of the Superbowl to watch the most anticipated comic book movie for 2024. 

After all the glitz and glamour of the Super Bowl, Taylor Swift existing, and the barrage of ads.. The YouTube trailer for Deadpool 3 has arrived! And it doesn't disappoint. The trailer is full of classic Wade Wilson humor, providing a glimpse into his life after Deadpool 2, sans Domino and Cable. There's a knock on his door on his birthday, It's TVA agents with stun batons, after a crass pegging joke, he is incapacitated and sent to the TVA. Looks like this time, Deadpool's in for a different kind of insanity.

Wade's got plenty of reason to be skeptical when he's approached with a proposition by none other than TVA agent Paradox. But the opportunity to be a hero amongst heroes is enough to sway the merc with a mouth. Wade accepts the offer, leading him into an MCU-inspired montage of his adventures as he walks past iconic scenes. After getting geared up, he faces off against more TVA agents in front of the destroyed 20th Century Fox logo. And he's about to need all the help he can get, as a man with an iron mask and green cape comes to his adversary with a machine gun and some form of technological device. He's then attacked by a different assailant. as when he's knocked down, a shadow of a man appears above wade, when he asks for help. he doesn't, but instead flex his claws. Revealing Wolverine.

overall thoughts: 

Wow, is the trailer fantastic! It's packed with exciting, action-packed, and suspenseful moments, punctuated with silly nods to Disney and the juggernaut that is the MCU. The humor is a hilarious blend of crassness and fourth-wall breaks, guaranteed to have you laughing out loud. Deadpool is back, and he's more playful than ever. And if that wasn't enough, the trailer also features a gorgeous shot where Deadpool salutes a bunch of video TVs playing Captain America footage, harking back to the scene where we found out that Deadpool is a complete Captain America fan to the point to where he doesnt wear a parashoot when jumping out of helicopters/Helipads.

Also pegging is canon in the mcu


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