2 Classic FPS For Free On Steam


copyright: Marathon and Marathon 2 are property of Bungie Games

Brevity And Ethics: I have no affiliation with Bungie, am just a fan

For those who may not know, before the epic space opera of Halo and the massive multiplayer online looter-shooter Destiny, Bungie released a pioneering franchise of space shooters called Marathon. While it might not have achieved the same level of popularity as Doom or its successors Halo and Destiny, Marathon played a crucial role in establishing Bungie's reputation as innovative game developers.

As of July 12th, 2024, the "classic" Bungie first-person shooter franchise, Marathon, is now available for free on the Steam store. Dive into the roots of Bungie's legendary game development with this iconic series at no cost!

Classic Marathon Classic Marathon 2 and soon Classic Marathon Infinity  are all available for steam for you and your friends to enjoy. 


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