SNK Shadow Drops The Best Fighting Game


Copyright: Snk Vs Capcom is property of both Snk and Capcom, 
brevity and ethics: i do not have any affiliation with either snk or capcom, im just a fighting game fanboy

It's Evo season, and you know what that means: a flurry of fantastic and surprising fighting game releases and announcements! This year, SNK has decided to embrace the chaos by re-releasing the hit 2002 crossover fighting game **SNK vs. Capcom: SVC CHAOS**. According to the release page, this version will feature a hitbox viewer, a gallery mode showcasing all 89+ pieces of artwork, and, most importantly, rollback netcode. 

Get ready for some epic battles and nostalgic fun! And remember, Crush.. Or BE CRUSHED

Buy the game Here coming soon to ps4


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