Ken and Chun-Li announced for Garou Mark Of The Wolves 2


copyright: Garou Mark Of the Wolves and fatal fury is property of SNK Playmore, Chun-Li Ken and Street fighter are property of Capcom
Brevity and ethics: I have no affiliation with SNK Playmore or Capcom, I'm just a fan. 

Today marks another exciting chapter in the ongoing friendship between two former rivals: Capcom and SNK. With the recent release of Fatal Fury’s iconic brawler, Terry Bogard, stepping into the Street Fighter arena — and the ever-graceful Mai Shiranui not far behind — these fan-favorite guest characters have made waves. It’s a delightful surprise that’s turned nostalgia into fresh, adrenaline-pumping battles, proving that even old rivals can have a blast sharing the spotlight.

Fiery Shoryuken specialist Ken Masters and the whirlwind kick queen Chun-Li are stepping over the fighting game border in style. While the trailer might be light on gameplay, it packs a punch with its atmosphere, teasing fans about what’s on the horizon. This isn’t just a crossover—it’s a Showdown. It’s a clever nod to the legendary SNK vs. Capcom series that set the stage for epic matchups generations ago. Get ready for round one! 

Get ready to prepare for the next battle! april 2025!


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