Bayonetta turns 16 years old

copyright: Bayonetta is property of both Sega and Platinum Games
brevity and ethics: I have no affiliation with Bayonetta, Sega and Platinum games, I'm just a fan

 Today marks a milestone for both Platinum Games and Sega, as they celebrate 16 years since collaborating to bring one of the most iconic character action games of the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 era to life. A game renowned for its precise controls, exhilarating soundtrack, stunning combos, and, let's be honest, a seductive charm that's impossible to ignore... Bayonetta.

I first heard about Bayonetta on 4chan, in a thread discussing hack-and-slash games. My curiosity got the better of me, so I Googled it. Let’s just say, it was a bit of a wild ride without safe search on! But after some soul-cleansing, I stumbled upon the cutscenes, and soon after, I was completely hooked. The story of a half-witch, half-cleric taking on the divine, with style and sass, was unlike anything I had experienced before. I ended up playing the game while chatting on Skype with my wife, who was playing alongside me. We spent hours laughing, marveling at how fun and over-the-top the game was

One of my favorite moments is when Bayonetta faces off against Jubileus, the Creator. The setup is pure perfection. She literally rides a rocket into space to take on this godlike figure. The action ramps up with every shot from her guns, every weapon in her arsenal, and finally, that epic moment—Madame Butterfly delivering the final blow that sends Jubileus hurtling into the sun. It's the kind of finale that leaves you breathless and grinning.

After that, my wife and I even watched the anime together, sharing the same giddy excitement we felt when we first played the game. Bayonetta isn't just a game—it's an experience, a wild and wonderful ride that left a lasting impression. Here's to PlatinumGames, Sega, and all the fans who’ve made this journey unforgettable. We look forward to seeing how the franchise continues to capture hearts and stir imaginations around the world.


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