November 2024 State Of The Hoard

Hey everyone, I won’t sugarcoat it—November has been a slower month for us. Honestly, it’s been a bit of a motivation slump. While I’ve been focusing on personal things like working out and balancing my job, I realize I’ve been neglecting you , my audience. Even though I might not have a huge readership yet, I feel bad when I don’t address things like burnout or struggles with motivation. But here’s the good news: I’ve got big plans in the works, and I’m excited to share them with you soon! One of the hiccups I’ve been dealing with is my controller—it’s broken, and right now, I can’t afford to replace it. To make things more fun, I’ve been on the hunt for my old backup controller, which has somehow vanished into the abyss of my apartment. Fingers crossed I can find it soon, because gaming without a proper setup is... well, let’s just say it’s been interesting! There’s a lot coming your way, including two game reviews and a movie review. Juggling this with real life has been a bit of a ...