Spyro 2 turns 25 today


Copyright: Spyro and Spyro 2 are property of Activision-Blizzard and Microsoft

Brevity and Ethics: i have no affiliation with Spyro, Microsoft or Sony, Im just a fan

Today, we’re celebrating a big milestone for one of the best Spyro games—it’s officially 15 years old! Now that it’s old enough for a learner’s permit, let’s take a moment to look back and remember all the magic that made this game unforgettable.

I remember my first dive into Spyro 2. I’d tried the demo of the first game on one of those jam-packed demo discs and loved it, though I couldn’t have told you the difference between the games back then. But one sunny summer day, I wandered into my local Hollywood Video, and there it was—Spyro 2, glowing in all its purple glory on the shelf. I was hooked the moment I booted it up. And had a great weekend playing it on my Playstation

I didn’t know who Ripto was or why he was raging, but I knew I had to find out. I didn’t know what a "collect-a-thon" was or what "platformer" meant, either—I was just having a blast.


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