Blizzard Announced Classic mode for Overwatch 2

 copyright: Overwatch, and Overwatch 2 are property of Activision-Blizzard Entertainment and Microsoft. 

Brevity and Ethics: i have no affiliation with Overwatch, Blizzard or Microsoft im just a fan. 

Blizzard recently announced an exciting new throwback mode for Overwatch 2 called "Clasic", bringing players back to the game’s 2016 origins. This mode narrows the roster down to the original 15 heroes and brings each character’s abilities back to their classic versions.

Key changes include Mercy’s iconic team-wide Resurrect returning as her ultimate, giving her the power to revive entire teams in one go. Roadhog’s kit has been revamped, removing his trap and returning his abilities to their original configuration. Reaper, too, trades his passive healing for the nostalgic Soul Orbs, gaining health with each absorbed orb left by defeated foes. This throwback mode offers a unique, nostalgic gameplay experience for long-time fans and newcomers alike!
Look forward for the fun, colorful throwback November 12th 


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