Pokemon Day hoping

copyright: Pokemon is property of gamefreak and nintendo.

Normally, with big events and conventions we want to put our best foot forward and make predictions about what we think might happen or what we would like to see. But with Pokemon and Nintendo, it's hard to really predict anything. If we follow things like leaks we can say "oh, cool, a re-remake of Pokemon Gold and Silver." But what I really want, and this is my Best Wish for Pokemon, is that they surprise us with something expected, but what we really want. 

But I actually want something different for Pokemon. While a Gen 5 remake is definitely a possibility, I think expanding the lore and world of Unova in a Pokemon Legends Kyurem game would be a fun route to take. It would give players the chance to explore more of the region's rich history and culture, and it would give us a unique perspective on Kyurem's role in Unova's past. Let's hope that Pokemon has something unexpected in store for us.

Also; I want it to be a dating sim, where I can date Lenora

edit: I was kinda right. we did get a legends announcement. Pokemon Legends: Z-a 


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